84 BOOK NOTICE. At shortly after 6 o'clock, a local bus was taken back to Chelmsford and from here the members made their way home by chosen routes, after a delightful day in the peaceful Essex country with little or no evidence of war conditions. A Earable in the Hatfield Forest district, intended for May 18th, 1940, was cancelled owing to the very small number of members who had sent in their names : as also was a contemplated visit to Saffron Walden, fixed for June 1st, for the like reason. Further field meetings, in process of arrangement, had compulsorily to be held in abeyance indefinitely as our Excursions Secretary, Mr. Salmon, was in June evacuated with his school to a distant part of the country. Nevertheless, as autumn approached, arrangements were made for a ramble in hipping Forest in September and also for holding, in modified form, the customary Fungus Foray in October : but, in the meantime, constant air raids both by day and by night had set in (Hitler's vaunted "Blitzkrieg"), and the frequent dropping of delayed action bombs in the Forest rendered it inadvisable to expose a party to possible danger there : the project was therefore abandoned. In September, during night air raids, serious damage was inflicted, on two occasions, upon our headquarters at Stratford, which affected also the Museum building (though providentially only slight damage was caused to the collections and books) ; this made it impossible to hold our winter meetings there. Alternative accommodation was accordingly sought and found at Woodford. BOOK NOTICE. Freshwater Biological Association—The publications of this Associa- tion are useful handbooks which may be recommended to naturalists interested in their special subjects. As yet, three brochures have appeared: they are, a "Key to the British Corixidae," by T. T. Macan; a "Key to the British Plecoptera," by H. B. N. Hynes, and "The Food of Coarse Fish," by P. H. T. Hartley ; each is published at 1/7, post free.