98 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. accidental concussions that exceed the limitations of selective flaking in the sense previously described, there is still a marked tendency for the flakes to be struck from the corners, angles and projections of the nodules ; this is conspicuously seen on the Cromer beach site. Last year I referred briefly to the problems presented by the operation of geological agencies in the flaking of flint, as affecting the archaeological determination of primitive human industries. This year, I have, in the foregoing discussion, entered considerably further into the mutual contacts between the two subjects, and have endeavoured to fill up many of the gaps that were left open on the previous occasion. Every new thing has to fight for its place in the sun, and so it is not surprising that in past years I have met, from many quarters, an impenetrable inhibition against allowing the whole truth of natural flaking; and a part only of the truth is fatally misleading Moreover, this unwillingness to learn with an open mind whatever the facts have to teach has not been balanced by a corresponding reticence or reserve in pronouncing public judgment upon the problems concerned. Now that opinion is beginning to swing the other way the time seemed ripe for attempting to give the pendulum an additional impulse. We cannot know too much about Nature; we should learn and learn and still go on learning more and more; and then start learning all over again. NOTES ON CERTAIN OBJECTS FOUND IN RED HILL EXCAVATIONS AT CANVEY ISLAND. By ERNEST LINDER, B.Sc. (With Four Plates.) THE results are illustrated by a Plan and three other Plates. The Plan (Plate 3) shows the position of each of the 28 Holes—D1 to D28—dug on the site, from December, 1937 to February, 1941. Most of the objects that form the subject of these remarks were recovered from Holes D19 to D28: Plate 4.—Shows a set of what are conjectured to be Shaping Tools. The triangular-shaped pieces of crude ware are definitely