THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 115 CUSCUTA EPITHYMUM. Linn. In August, 1940, this was plentiful on the covered reservoir at Haggar Lane works, Epping Forest, where it was growing on Trifolium pratense, Achillea millefolia and Plantago lanceolata. This gathering had many of the points of var. Trifolii. Bab. and should possibly be referred thereto if such really exists in constant form. A specimen has been placed in the Club's herbarium. OROBANCHE ELATIOR. Sutt. June, 1938 : Frequent in the lanes around Littlebury, where it was growing on Centauria scabiosa ; in the several plants which I examined the union with the host plant was many inches below ground. A specimen has been preserved in the Club's herbarium. VERBASCUM THAPSO-NIGRUM. Schiede. August, 1939 : A fine example at Bartlow Hills, where V. thapsus and V. nigrum were growing plentifully ; the leaves were woolly and non-decurrent and the two longer stamen-filaments were hairy on only one side. The specimen was taken for the herbarium of the Stratford Museum. LINARIA SPURIA. Mill. August, 1940 : Sparingly in a stubblefield at Upshire. BUTOMUS UMBELLATUS. Linn. In August, 1938, I found a clump with three flower umbels in an Epping Forest pond ; in August, 1940, the same clump bore no less than eleven fine umbels. OPHRYS APIFERA. Huds. July, 1939 : A wonderful find of some hundreds of spikes growing closely together on waste ground near Great Sampford ; each spike carried from 8 to 11 flowers. Hitherto I had only found this species in groups of two or three and with spikes consisting of but three or four flowers. ALLIUM VINEALE. Linn. July, 1939 : Several plants on roadside waste near Aythorpe Roding. This was the form Compaction without flowers and with two or three heads of bulbules to each long stem. THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB—REPORTS OF MEETINGS. ORDINARY MEETING (815th MEETING). SATURDAY, 26TH OCTOBER, 1940. This meeting, the first of the Winter Session, was held at 2 o'clock on the above afternoon, in the Parish Church Memorial Hall, Woodford, it being impossible, owing to damage caused by enemy action, to assemble in the West Ham Municipal College. In spite of the "Blitzkrieg" now in force over this country by German airmen (several "alerts" were sounded by the sirens during the progress of the meeting !) and the dispersal of members by evacuation, over a score of persons managed to attend, a not unsatisfactory number in the circumstances. In opening the Meeting, the Hon. Secretary announced with regret the illness, and consequent absence, of the President.