118 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. His collection of Lepidoptera was formerly housed in the Bethnal Green Museum, known as the "Doubleday collection," and is now at South Kensington. Of his birds, some were purchased by Arthur Lister ; others by J. E. Harting and J. H. Gurney and Tuke ; some by A. Smee : the latter have since been acquired by the Stratford Museum, and it is a possibility that one of these days they may be joined by Mr. Lister's purchase. Thanks were accorded to the exhibitors. Mr. William E. Glegg, F.Z.S., M.B.O.U., read a paper on "The Folk Lore of Birds in relation to Essex." Messrs. Syms, Ward and Thompson joined in the subsequent dis- cussion and thanks were warmly accorded to the reader of a most interesting communication. The meeting adjourned at 3.45 o'clock. ORDINARY MEETING (817th MEETING). SATURDAY, 23TH JANUARY, 1941. This meeting was held at 2 o'clock on the above date in the Woodford Parish Church Memorial Hall : by reason of war-time conditions the attendance was again a small one, only fifteen persons being present. In the continued absence of the President, Mr. J. Ross was voted to the chair. Mr. Ross exhibited some myxomycetes found by himself during December and the present month in the Loughton district of Epping Forest. He remarked that of the 20 species he had found, 18 were growing on decaying leaves, 2 only on wood : of the 20, half were of species which had been but rarely met with on our Forays in the autumn. The Curator showed twenty-four views of various Woodford buildings, including the parish church, "Woodford Hall," which formerly occupied the site of the meeting-place, the old Rectory (now the Municipal offices), "The Rookery," "Frithman's," "Truby Lodge," "Glebelands" and others, all within a half mile or so of the place of meeting and quite a number of which had been demolished in recent years in the name of modern "improvements." The Chairman called upon Dr. William Heeley, who read a most interesting paper on "The Habits and Life-Histories of Woodlice," which he illustrated by the exhibition of specimens, both living and preserved, of the species more particularly referred to. Messrs. Syms and Thompson afterwards discussed various points raised by the author and, on the Chairman's motion, Dr. Heeley was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for an important contribution. The Meeting adjourned at 4 o'clock. ORDINARY MEETING (818th MEETING). SATURDAY, 22ND FEBRUARY, 1941. This Meeting was held in the Woodford Parish Church Memorial Hall at 2 o'clock on the above date, Mr. Joseph Ross being voted to the chair. Eighteen persons attended.