121 THE FLORA OF WANSTEAD PARK DISTRICT. By GULIELMA LISTER, F.L.S. [Read 29th November, 1941.] (With a folding Plate.) IN these days of swiftly changing conditions it may be of interest to have a record of the flowering plants now growing in Wanstead Park, and in those parts near it which were formerly under the. direction of the owners of Wanstead House. With the invaluable assistance of Miss E. A. Greaves and Miss E. Prince, I have compiled the following list of about three hundred plants. The area dealt with is illustrated by the two accompanying maps ; the earlier is a reproduction, much reduced, of a section of Rocque's Survey of London (1745), taken from E. N. Buxton's Epping Forest, ed. 1, 1885 ; the later map is of the same area taken from the Directory to Leytonstone, Wanstead, &c., 1931. Although nearly two hundred years elapsed between the dates when the maps were made, the main features of the district have altered little, owing to the preservation of Epping Forest and Wanstead Park as open spaces for the enjoyment of the public. The Green Man pond to the west, the Basin and the chain of artificial waters, Lincoln Island pond, the Straight, "the Serpentine pond," which includes the present Perch Pond and Boating Lake, and the Shoulder of Mutton Pond are easily recognised ; west of the last named was the Reservoir, close to the present Blake Hall road, it has long been drained and its bed is overgrown with tall oaks and birches ; the site of the Great Lake, on whose island Lake House stood (the home for a time of the poet Tom Hood), has been filled in and built over. For convenience of reference to the list of plants given later I have divided the area into six sections, each of which I propose to describe briefly and to designate with a distinctive letter. Section P : Wanstead Park proper, i.e., the part closed to the public at night, and also including the part always free of access lying between the Boating pond and the Blake Hall road. Section W : The Warren Estate. Section C: The Grave-yard of St. Mary's Church. Section G : The Links of the Wanstead Golf Club. Section B : Bushwood and the Forest land around it. Section F : The Grave-yard of the Society of Friends.