128 LIST OF FLOWERING PLANTS AND CONIFERS IN WANSTEAD PARK DISTRICT. By Gulielma Lister, F.L.S. Latin names taken from Hooker's Student's Flora of the British Islands, Third Edition, 1884 ; reprinted in 1930. Names not included in the Student's Flora, from Druce's List of British Plants; Kew Hand-lists of Herbaceous Plants, and Trees and Shrubs, Bean's Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles, and Dallimore and Jackson's Handbook of Coniferae. English names taken from Hooker's Student's Flora where given, with additions from Bentham and Hooker's Handbook of the British Flora, and Hayward's Botanist's Pocket Book, 15th Edition, revised by Claridge Druce, 1917. Abbreviations of Localities. P. Wanstead Park. W. "The Warren" Estate. C. St. Mary's Churchyard. G. Wanstead Golf Links. B. Bushwood. F. Friends' Graveyard, Wanstead. An asterisk * indicates a cultivated garden plant. Ranunculaceae. Anemone nemorosa L. ; Wood Anemone. P. W. Ranunculus heterophyllus Fries ; Water Crowfoot. P. R. Flammula L. ; Lesser Spear-wort. B. R. sceleratus L. ; Celery-leaved Buttercup. P. R. acris L. ; Meadow Buttercup. P. W. C. G. R. repens L. ; Creeping Buttercup. P. W. C. B. R. bulbosus L. ; Bulbous Buttercup. P. W. G. R. Ficaria L. ; Lesser Celandine. P. W. B. Berberideae. *Berberis Wilsoniae Hems. Mrs. Wilson's Barberry. W. *B. aquifolium Pursh. (syn. Mahonia Aquifolium Nutt.) ; Oregon Grape. G. Nymphaeaceae. Nuphar luteum Sm. ; Yellow Water-lily. P. Nymphaea alba L. ; White Water-lily. P. Fumariaceae. *Corydalis lutea DC. ; Yellow Fumitory. W. Cruciferae. Nasturtium sylvestre Br. ; Creeping Watercress. P. N. palustre DC. ; Marsh Watercress. P.