150 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB—REPORTS OF MEETINGS. ORDINARY MEETING (820th MEETING). SATURDAY, 25TH OCTOBER, 1941. This Meeting was held at 2 o'clock on the above date at "Brooklands," 37, Churchfields, Woodford, when 20 members attended. The President, Mr. S. Hazzledine Warren, was in the Chair. In opening the proceedings the President congratulated the Club on being able to hold such a meeting in spite of war conditions. The Hon. Secretary expressed on behalf of the meeting the members' pleasure at the return of the President after his long absence and illness. Mr. Warren exhibited two remarkably shaped "billhook scrapers" from the Clactonian series at Lion Point. These were large coarsely flaked flints worked to a curved point, curved either to the left or to the right, whose purpose is problematical. The Hon. Secretary showed on behalf of Mr. Covernton a series of flint points and arrowheads of late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age date, all of which had been gathered by Mr. Covernton from off arable land at Finchingfield. Mr. Thompson also exhibited specimens of Mysis relicta, the "Opossum- Shrimp," discovered in June last in Ennerdale Water in the Lake District, its first record for Great Britain : he referred to its near kinship with the marine Mysis oculata found in Greenland waters and discussed the problems, both zoological and geological, raised by its occurrence in an isolated lake at a height of 360 feet above sea-level. The Curator showed a series of photographs of local Woodford topo- graphy from the Pictorial Survey collection. Mr. Ross read some "Notes on Mycetozoa found in Epping Forest this Autumn" (1941). He reported that these organisms had been abundant; especially in September, when he noted no fewer than forty-five species, a record total for any single month. Here is the list :— Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa (Mull.) Macbr. On crab and coniferous wood, and possibly grey poplar. Badhamia utricularis (Bull.) Berk. Found once as plasmodium. Physarum viride (Bull.) Pers. One group on an ash stick. P. nutans Pers. Abundant, often in large colonies. P. cinereum (Batsch) Pers. One development on a holly leaf. P. vernum Somm. var. iridescens G. Lister. Frequent. P. sinuosum (Bull.) Weinm. On leaves and grass steins at one spot ; weathered. Fuligo septica (L.) Gmel. Fairly frequent on logs. Craterium minutum (Leers) Fries. Frequent on holly leaves, etc. C. aureum (Schum.) Rost. Occurred on leaves under hollies in one area in much greater quantity than I have previously known it: Leocarpus fragilis (Dicks.) Rost. On a log and on bark near a log.