THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB, 153 Mrs. Eva M. Price, of 33, Mayfair Gardens, Woodford Green, Essex ; Mr. Arthur Adrian Lisney, M.A., M.D., F.R.E.S., of The Red House, Narborough, Leicestershire ; Mr. Alfred Stephen Noel, of 42, Woodcote Road, Wanstead, E.11 ; Mr. Frank Capewell Vine, of "Wynbarrie," 37 The Uplands, Loughton, Essex, were elected to membership of the Club. Mr. Ross exhibited specimens of Badhamia utricularis and other mycetozoa from Epping Forest, and, by request of Miss Lister, asked members to supply the dried plasmodia as opportunity offered, to replenish her exhausted stock. Mr. Covernton sent for exhibition examples of gun-flints picked up in the fields about Finchingfield, also unused gun-flints made by the Brandon knappers, and sundry prehistoric flakes from the Finchingfield neighbourhood. The President, commenting on the exhibit, explained the present-day method of manufacture practised at Brandon and the different technique of earlier makers, both of these being illustrated by the exhibit, which also included some strike-a-lights. The Curator exhibited a dozen topographical photographs from the Pictorial Survey collection, also various herbarium specimens of plants, all intended to illustrate Miss Lister's paper on the flora of the Wanstead Park district to be read later in the afternoon, and also several pen-and-ink sketches by her of trees referred to in the paper. Mr. Thompson read an account of the "Vermin Payments at Woodford "in the 18th Century," to demonstrate the relative abundance of Polecats in Epping Forest at that period. A paper by Miss G. Lister, entitled "Notes on the Flora of Wanstead Park," with a detailed List of over 300 species of plants now found to be growing in that district, was read, in the author's absence, by the Hon. Secretary : the paper was illustrated by the sketches, photographs and specimens referred to above. Mr. Crouch exhibited prints of Luxborough House, Chigwell, together with portrait-prints of some of its earlier owners, as Sir John Hawkins, Sir Edward Walpole, K.B., Admiral Sir Edward Hughes, K.B., Lady Luxborough (wife of Baron Luxborough, son of Robert Knight, another owner of the estate), and also book plates of James Crokatt and James Hatch, other owners of this property. Mr. Crouch sketched in outline the history of the estate from the 16th century down to its demolition in the 18th century. Thanks were passed to the readers of papers and to exhibitors, and some time was spent in informal discussion of the various exhibits, the meeting dispersing at 4 o'clock.