THE BLACK REDSTART. 179 1918. Barrow, G. Chorley Wood. P.G.A., vol. xxix, p. 140. 1923. Wells, A. K., and Wooldridge, S. W. Epping Forest. P.G.A., vol. xxxiv, p. 247. 1923. Wooldridge, S. W. Rayleigh Hills. P.G.A., vol. xxxiv, p. 320. 1923. Hawkins, H. L. Goring Gap. P.G.A., vol. xxxiv, p. 56. 1923. Warren, S. H. Clacton Channel. Q.J.G.S., vol. lxxix, p. 606. 1924.-----------. Clacton Channel. E.N., vol. xxi, p. 32. 1924. Sherlock, R. L. Course of the Thames, etc. P.G.A., vol. xxxv, p. 1. 1924. ----------- and Pocock, R. W. Hertford District. Mem. Geol. Survey. 1925. Dines, H. G., and Edmunds, F. H. Romford District. Mew. Geol. Survey. 1926. Warren, S. H. Sequence in Essex. Trans. S.E. Union Sci. Soc, p. 38. 1927. Wooldridge, S. W. Pliocene, London Basin. P.G.A., vol. xxxviii, p. 49. 1927.-----------. Pliocene, W. Essex. E.N., vol. xxi, p. 247. 1928. Wooldridge, S. W. The 200-ft. Platform. P.G.A., vol. xxxix, p. 1. 1929. Saner, B. R., and Wooldridge, S. W. Essex Rivers. E.N., vol. xxii, p. 250. 1929. Sandford, K. S. Western Drift, etc. Q.J.G.S., vol. lxxxv, p. 359. 1932. Dewey, H. Lower Thames. Q.J.G.S., vol. lxxxviii, p. 35. 1932. Solomon, J. D. Glacial Succession. P.G.A., vol. xliii, p. 241. 1932. Sandford, K. S. Pleistocene Succession. Geol. Mag., vol. lxix, p. 1. 1936. King, W. B. R., and Oakley, K. P. Lower Thames. Proc. Preh. Soc, n.s., vol. ii, p. 52. 1936. Green, J. F. N. Early Terraces. Q.J.G.S., vol. xcii, Proc p. lviii. 1937. Turner, J. S. Danbury. P.G.A., vol. xlviii, p. 160. 1938. Wooldridge, S. W. London Basin. Q.J.G.S., vol. xciv, p. 627. 1939. Oakley, K. P. Swanscombe. P.G.A., vol. 1, p. 357. 1940. Paterson, T. T. Frost Action, Solifluxion, etc. Q.J.G.S., vol. xcvi, p. 99. 1940. Warren, S. H. Clacton, Cromerian (Harwich), etc. E.N., vol. xxvii, p. 9. 1941. Godwin, H. Pollen Analysis, etc. P.G.A., vol. hi, p. 328. Abbreviations—Q.J.G.S. = Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc P.G.A. = Proc Geologists Assoc. E.N. = Essex Naturalist. THE BLACK REDSTART. By WILLIAM E. GLEGG, F.Z.S., M.B.O.U. (Read 31st October, 1942.) IS the Black Redstart, Phoenicurus ochrurus gibraltariensis (Gm.), to become established as a regular breeding bird in Britain ? The Black Redstart was added to the British avifauna by Gould in 1829 and was for some time after thought to be rare, but later it was proved to be a regular winter-visitor and passage-