206 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. the greatest number in the decoy in January, and the months follow in the following order : February, December, November, October, March, September. In one year we had four Wigeon, in the decoy in August. In some years none has arrived until October, and in one year we had the greatest number on February 26th." From the "International Wildfowl Inquiry," Volume I, it is learned that one pipe was restored three years previously, presumably 1933, and used at week-ends only. The average catch for three years was 198. Christy reproduces in "The Birds of Essex" a plan of the decoy from the 25-inch ordnance survey map. There was at Marsh House, Tillingham, the home of Mr. R. Page, a collection of birds, which had been taken at this decoy. It contained : Hooded Crow, Kingfisher, Brown Owl, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, Peewit, Wild Duck, Scaup, Garganey, Shoveller, Pintail, Wigeon, Gadwall, Scoter, Ferruginous Duck, Tufted Duck, Smew, Coot, Redshank, Spotted Redshank, Greenshank, Oxbird, Common Sandpiper, Little Grebe, Common Gull and Storm Petrel. On February 23rd, 1889, a male White-fronted Goose, and on January 1st, 1906, an immature male Baikal Teal (Querquedula formosa), were also taken in the decoy. 5. Glebeland Decoy is placed a mile and a quarter S.S.E. from Bradwell-juxta-Mare, north of the brook, which runs to Sandbeach Outfall, and three-quarters of a mile from the sea- wall. It was stated in 1886 that it had been disused for more than sixty years. The information relating to the takes and tenants placed under this decoy by Payne-Gallwey has been shown by E. A. Fitch and Miller Christy to refer to 'No. 4, Marsh House Decoy. 6. East Hall Decoy is situated in the parish of Bradwell, one mile and a half N.E. from the village and about midway between Sales Point and Bradwell Chapel. It was stated in 1886 that it had been disused for many years, but had been worked in present memory and that its position could still be discerned. 7. West Wick Decoy is placed in the parish of Bradwell about one mile and a half west from the village. It was stated in 1886 that it had not been used for many years, although worked in present memory, and that the site could still be traced. 8. Ramsey Island Decoy. Payne-Gallwey records that on an old Essex map, published in 1772, an "Old Decoy,"