THE DUCK DECOYS OF ESSEX. 223 Farm, the same distance N. of Kingswood, three-quarters of a mile N. of Wicks, a mile S. of the River Stour, and in the parish of Wix. Little trace of it remained in 1886, and although then it had been worked in present memory nothing of its history was known. 33. Pond Hall Decoy was situated half a mile E. of Jacques Hall Decoy, half a mile S. of Bradfield, and about a mile S. of the River Stour. It was in the parish of Wix. Traces of the pool were still plainly visible in 1886, though it had not been in use for many years. An advertisement, dated 1754, sent to Christy by E. A. Fitch and printed in full by the latter in The Birds of Essex, shows that this decoy was then in use. The opening part of this advertisement is : "A Sober Man, either single or "married, who can come well recommended, and understands "managing a Decoy Pond, by enquiring at Pond Hall in Wicks, "near Manningtree, in Essex, may hear of a Place. He will have "Husbandry Work found him after the Catching Season is over, "and a House to live in if married." The rest of the document is in the nature of a warning against interference with the owner's decoys and the whole is signed "Tho. Hickeringill." 34. Wormingford Decoy is situated on the south bank of the River Stour, three miles W.S.W. off Nayland. The pool covers nine acres and is still in existence, but nothing is known of its history. 35. Felsted Decoy is described by Christy in The Victoria History of the County of Essex as being situated between Pond Park Farm and the site of Leighs Priory at Little Leighs. There is a habitation in the vicinity called "Decoy Cottage." Nothing is known of the history of this decoy, but an entry of the Maldon Courts of General Session must be associated with it. The whole of this entry will be found in The Essex Naturalist, vol. xxiii, p. 26, and the following is quoted from it : "Maldon Courts of General Session No. 18, p. 173. "March 17, 1679. "James Maiden, of Felsted, decoyman, free. "James (or possibly Jacob) Maiden, free. "Memorandum that furthermore at the same court, held the "day and place aforesaid, before the aforementioned bailiffs, "there also came James Maiden of Felsted in the county of "Essex, Decoyman, in his own person, and humbly begged that "he might be admitted into the liberties of the same Borough, "etc." 36. Rolls Farm Decoy (No. 1) is situated in the fresh marsh about a quarter of a mile south-east of Rolls Farm,