224 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. near Tollesbury, and within sixty yards of the sea-wall. It lies between Skinner's Wick Decoy (No. 18) and Bohun's Hall Decoy (No. 19). It had eight pipes, which were clearly discernible in 1936. It was estimated that the area of this pond was slightly larger than that of Skinner's Wick. Nothing is known of the history of this decoy, which was discovered by Dr. J. W. Camp- bell and Mr. A. R. Thompson on March 24th, 1935, and described by the former, with a photograph, in The Essex Naturalist, vol. xxv, pp. 107-9, plate vi. It was still known as the "Decoy." D19 on the map in A History of the Birds of Essex covers the area occupied by this pond and should have been placed more to the east. 37. Rolls Farm Decoy (No. 2) is situated in the fresh marsh within a quarter of a mile off No. 36, from which it is separated by a salt-water creek, and is within fifty yards of the sea-wall. It is not quite half a mile south-west of Decoy Farm and about half a mile west of Bohun's Hall Decoy, which has been placed too far to the west on the map in "A History of the Birds of Essex. The decoy has eight pipes, similar in construc- tion to those of No. 36, but not so well marked. The main pond is slightly larger than Skinner's Wick, but not so large as Bohun's Hall. The story of the discovery of this pool is the same as for No. 36. Its history is unknown. It is probable that there were even more decoys in Essex than are described in the preceding list. Miller Christy, writing in the Victoria History of the County of Essex in 1903, states that there was probably one near Fobbing and one, higher up the Thames, was marked on an old map of Essex at one time in the possession of the late Mr. F. J. Stubbs. Christy states in his The Birds of Essex that Mr. E. A. Fitch had been informed of the former existence of decoys on Osey Island and at Mundon, but that he could find no trace of them, and that "Old Pool" and the "New Pool" are marked on the Ordnance Maps in a de- tached portion of Great Stambridge parish, due S.S.E. from Burnham. Christy points out that of the decoys included in his list some, so far as can be decided, are marked on the following old county maps. The numbers used here are not those of Christy, but the numbers used in the preceding list. Maps in Morant's Essex (1768) : 7, 9, Brick House, Mundon, 13, 20, 33. Chapman and Andre's (1777) : 3 (marked but not named), 6, 8, 13, 19 (2), 22, 27, 28, 30. Emanuel Bowen's (about 1778) : 7, Brick House, Mundon, 13, 33. John Cary's (1801) : 13, 22, 28.