236 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. VOLVOCALES. This group is nearly always well represented in the nanno- plankton of fresh waters and that of the bomb-crater pools was no exception. The most frequently occurring genus, as might be expected, was Chlamydomonas, especially very small forms of from 21/2 to 10u. Unfortunately it is very difficult to identify many of the forms seen. The following representatives of the order were noted :—Carteria globosa (1)2, C. spp. (4), Chlamydo- monas ? minima (1), C. ? minutissima (1), C. spp. (12), Chloro- gonium elongatum (2), Dysmorphococcus sp. (1), Gonium sodale (1), Heteromastix angulata (1), Hyalogonium acus (1), Phacotus sp. (1), Polytoma ? obtusum (1), Scourfieldia complanata (3) (Fig. 6), Spennatozopsis exultans (1) (Fig. 1), Chlorococcales. This group also is generally well represented in the nanno- plankton and the following forms were recorded from the bomb-crater pools :—Ankistrodesmus falcatus, usually the very long variety acicularis, but sometimes a twisted variety (6), Chlorella sp. (4) (Fig. 5), Crucigenia tetrapedia (1), Kirchneriella lunaris (1), C. ? contorta (1), Scenedesmus quadricauda (1), S. obliquus (1), Selenastrum ? gracile (1), S. minutum (1). CONJUGALES. The majority of forms belonging to this group are too large to be reckoned among the nannoplankton, though there are a few species of Desmids which can pass easily through the finest nets. They do not, however, appear to occur very frequently and in the bomb-crater pools only the following have been seen :— Closterium sp., a small needle-shaped form C ceratium (2), Staurastrum muticum 20u. (1). Chrysophyceae. Many members of this class are typical nannoplankton organisms and one or more forms are to be expected in most samples of water. The forms seen in the bomb-crater pools were :—Chromulina sp. (1), Chrysococcus rufescens (4) (Fig. 3), C. spp. (4), Dinobryon sociale var. americanum (1), Mallomonas sp. (1), Sphaleromantis ? ochracea (1), Stenocalyx sp. (2), Synura uvella, small colonies (2). Bacillariophyceae. Small forms of Diatoms are often found in the nannoplankton, but it is not as a rule possible to determine the species owing to difficulty of seeing the characteristic markings in the living 2 The figures in brackets after the specific names refer to the number of pools in which the organism has been found out of a total of 27. The specific names in the algal groups are, as far as possible, in accordance with the "Susswasserflora" (Pascher et. al., 1913-1927).