THE NANNOPLANKTON OF BOMB-CRATER POOLS. 237 condition. The forms noted in the' bomb-crater pools were :— Cylindrotheca gracilis (5), Cymbella sp. (1), Navicula spp. (9), Nitzschia spp. (7), Nitzschiella acicularis (3), Pinnularia micro- stauron (1), Surirella ? ovata var. (1), S. sp. (2), Synedra sp. (1). Cryptophyceae. This small but very distinct class of the Algae consists almost entirely of planktonic forms, some of which are so small that they come easily within the nannoplankton limits. The bomb- crater pools yielded the following :—Chilomonas ? oblonga (1), C. paramaecium (2), C. sp. (4), Chroomonas nordstedti (4) (Fig. 8), Cryptomonas erosa (11), C. ovata (6), C. sp. (4). DINOPHYCEAE. Most of the members of this class are free-swimming planktonic forms and the smaller species are fairly common in the nanno- plankton. The following forms were noted from the bomb- crater pools :—Amphidinium ? larvale (2), (Fig. 2), Glenodiniwn ? cinctum (1), G. ? edax (2), G. spp. (7), Gymnodinium spp. (4), Peridinium ? anglicum (1), P. umbonatum (2), Spirodinium hyalinum (1). EUGLENINEAE. This large and diversified algal class is to be found most abundantly in water rich in dissolved organic material. In the bomb-crater pools they were found more frequently and of more varied character than those of any of the other groups. The list of forms noted is as follows :—Anisonema acinus (1), Astasia sp. (1), Cryptoglena pigra (1), Euglena acus (2), E genicu- lata (1), E. intermedia (1), E. ? limnophila (1), E. mutabilis (2), E. pisciformis (4), E. Spirogyra (4) E. tripteris (9), E. spp. (16), Lepocinclis acicularis (1), L. ovum (6), L. teres (1). L. texta (8), Menoidium sp. (1), Phacus longicauda (1), P. oscillans (2), P. Pleuronectes (4), P. pyrum (3), P. triqueter (6), Trachelomonas acuminata (2), T. caudata (3), T. euchlora (1), T. 1 fluviatilis (1), T. hispida and vars. (8), T. ? intermedia (1), T. ? oblonga (1), T. perforata (2), T. rugulosa (1), T. volvocina (13). MYXOPHYCEAE. Blue-green algae are not very common in the nanoplankton the chief representatives being small accidental pieces of such filamentous forms as Oscillatoria, &c. There are no forms free-swimming by means of flagella or cilia. The only records from the bomb-crater pools were :—Anabaena ? affinis (1), Merismopedia sp. (1), Oscillatoria spp. (3), Pseudanabaena catenata (3).