238 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. ZOOFLAGELLATA. Colourless flagellates of many different kinds occur in the nannoplankton, but they are usually very delicate and may quickly disappear. They are also, as a rule, more difficult to identify than the pigmented flagellates. The following are the records from the bomb-crater pools :—Anthophysa vegetans, detached colonies (2), Bicoeca planktonica3 (1), (Fig. 4), B. socialis (1), Bodo ? fusiformis (1), B. ? lens (2), B. spp. (7), Cerco- bodo spp. (5), Cladomonas ? fruticulosa (2), Collodictyon sp. (3), Desmarella moniliformis (1), Monas sp. (2), Monosiga ovata (1), Oicomonas mutabilis (1), O. ocellata (8), Physomonas vestita (2), Rhynchomonas nasuta (5), Stokesiella sp. (1), ? Trepomonas sp. (1). Rhizopoda. It is somewhat surprising that this group should be represented at all in the nannoplankton, but actually it is no unusual thing to find small Amoebae in samples of centrifuged water. It may be that these have been adhering to small particles of detritus floating about in the water and this may also account for the other forms seen. The forms noted were :—Amoeba guttula (3), A. Umax, type and small varieties (3), A. radiata (1), A. striata (1), A. spp. (7), ? Biomyxa sp. (1), Diplophrys archeri (3), Trinema enchelys (1). Heliozoa. Only occasionally are representatives of this group found in the nannoplankton. They are, of course, very small forms and possibly some have not yet been described. The bomb-crater pools yielded the following :—Acanthocystis erinaceus, apparently typical, but only 8u (1), A. ? pertyana (1), and two or three others from four pools which could not be definitely placed. Ciliata. Ciliates as a rule are too large to be included in the nanno- plankton, but there are a few which are on the border line and which occur fairly frequently among the smaller organisms. From the bomb-crater pools were noted :—Chilodon cucullulus (1), Coleps hirtus (3), Cyclidium glaucoma (2), Didinium sp. (1) and a few others from several pools not determined. To the foregoing enumeration of the various forms that have been recorded a word or two may be added about their occur- rence in the different pools. The number of species found 3 See note at end.