240 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. NOTE ON BICOECA PLANKTONICA Kisseljev. There seems no doubt that the organism recorded and figured (Fig. 4) in this paper under the name of Bicoeca plank tonka is the same as that described under that name by Kisseljev (1931). Organisms with identical or very similar cases have, however, been described on several occasions under different names, e.g., Codonomonas Pascheri Van Goor (1925) and W. Conrad (1938), Pseudokephyrion conicum J. Schiller (1929) and Codomonas annulata J. B. Lackey (1939). But whether the actual organisms contained in these cases were all of the same type appears doubtful. As described and figured by Kisseljev, and confirmed by my own observations, the organism appeared to be a typical Bicoeca. On the other hand Van Goor and Lackey regarded it as a member of the Oicomonadaceae. Schiller, however, described it as biflagellate with golden yellow chromatophores and regarded it as a Chrysomonad. Conrad also regarded it as a Chrysomonad as he found characteristic cysts within the case, although the organism seen by him was colourless. Bicoeca planktonica has been previously recorded as British by J. W. G. Lund (1942). EXPLANATION OF FIGURES. 1. Spermatozopsis exultant Korschikoff. 2. Amphidinium ? larvale Lindemann. 3. Chrysococcus rufescens Klebs. 4. Bicoeca planktomca Kisseljev. 5. Chlorella sp. 6. Scourfieldia complanata West. 7. Zoospore of a Chytrid. 8. Chroomonas nordstedtii Hansgirg. REFERENCES. Conrad, W. 1938. Notes Protistologiques, III. Bull. Musee royal d'Hist. nat. Belg. T. XIV, No. 29. Fritsch, F. E. 1935. Structure and Reproduction of the Algae. Hensen, V. 1887. Ueber die Bestimmung des Planktons oder des im Meere treibenden Materials an Pflanzen und Tieren. V. Bericht d. Komm. wiss. Untersuch. deutsehen Meere. Kisseljev, I. A. 1931. Materialen zur hydrobiologischen Charakteristik einiger typischen Wasserbecken Mittelasiens. Acta Universitatis Asiae Mediae. Ser. XIIa, 9. Taschkent. Lackey, J. B. 1939. Notes on Plankton Flagellates from the Scioto River. Lloydia, Vol. 2, No. 2. Lohmann, ft. 1908. Untersuchungen zur Festellung des vollstandigen Gehaltes des Meeres an Plankton. Wissenschaftliche Meeres-untersuchuneen, Neue Folge, Bd. X, Abt. Kiel. ------------. 1909. Verhandlung d. Deutschen Zool. Gesellschaft. ------------. 1911. Ueber das Nannoplankton und die Zentrifugierung kleinster Wasserproben zur Gewinnung desselben in lebendem Zustande. Int. Revue d. ges. Hydrobiologie u. Hydrographie. Bd. IV. Lund, J. W. G. 1942. The Marginal Algae of certain Ponds. Journ. of Ecology, Vol. XXX. Pascher, A. et. al. 1913-1927. Die Susswasserflora Deutschlands, etc. Hefte 1-5.