SOME GEOLOGICAL AND PREHISTORIC RECORDS. 279 Mr. Kennard has picked out a few seeds from the washed material from the shell-bed that I sent to him, and also a few small bones. In such a shallow deposit one feels that it is difficult to be sure that seeds are contemporary, but the site merits further work, with pollen analysis, so I have placed these remains in our Museum for future reference. I am indebted to Mr. Kennard for the appended report on the Mollusca. I cannot leave the Chair without saying how greatly I value the honour of having served as your President a second time after an interval of about 25 years. Owing to the special circumstances of the time, and through no virtue of my own, I think this gives me the record in our Club for length of service. It is now with every confidence and satisfaction that I hand the reins of office to Dr. Jane. MR. KENNARD'S REPORT. It was obvious from the examination of the first sample, kindly sent by S. Hazzledine Warren, that it was an important deposit and under his guidance I made fairly large collections from as many loci as possible and these were supple- mented by much washed material sent by Mr. Warren. The results have amply justified the labour, for as regards the number of species of land mollusca it is the richest deposit of Post-pliocene age in England. Only a few species occurred throughout and most were sporadic, common in one spot and absent from another, and this is true of land shells today. The shells from the peat and shell-bed are listed separately, but there can be no question they both belong to one period. Far more shell-bed was examined than peat, which may account for the slight differences. LIST OF SPECIES DETERMINED. Peat. Shell-bed. Pomatias elegans (Mull.) .. .. .. .. — 8 E. Acme lineata (Drap.) .. .... .. 2 316 Carychium minimum Mull. .. .. .. .. 4 562 tridentatum (Risso) .. .. .. 24 4315 Aplexa hypnorum (Linne) .. .. .. .. — 16 Lymnaea truncatula (Milii.) .. .. .. .. 158 Planorbis crista (Linne) .. .. .. .. — 28 Succinea putris (Linne) .. .. .. .. — 2 „ pfeifferi Rossm. .. . . . . .. 8 23 Azeca goodalli (Fer.) .. .. .. .. .. — 70 Zua lubrica (Mull.) .......... 3 98 Columella edentula (Drap.)........ — 39 E. Vertigo pusilla Mull. .. . . . . . . .. — 66 ,, antivertigo (Drap.) .. .. .. .. — 17 E. „ substriata (Jeff.) ........ — 143 pygmaea (Drap.) .. .. .. .. — 20 N.E. .. concinna (Scott) ........ 20 24 E. ., moulinsiana (Dupuy).. .. .. .. — 3 E. ,, alpestris Alder . . . . . . .. — 10 E. ,, angustior Jeff. .. . . . . .. — 37 Pupilla muscorum (Linne) . . . . .... 8 3 Lauria cylindracea (da Costa) . . . . .. — E. „ anglica (Wood) ........ — 97 Acanthinula aculeata (Mull.) . . . . .. 4 236 E. „ lamellata (Jeff.)........ 2 568 Vallonia pulchella (Mull.) ........ 1 19 costata (Mull.) ... ...... 4 149 excentrica Sterki .. . . . . . . 8 4