SOME ESSEX PLANTS OBSERVED IN 1944. 285 Lousley, A. B. Jackson, G. M. Ash (Epilobium) and E. Nelmes (Carex) for help in identifying critical species. Myosurus minimus L. 19. Bean field between Layer Breton and Layer Marney (G). Cornfields at Crockleford Heath and by Wivenhoe Park. Ranunculus circinatus Sibth. 18. In the Chelmer near Boreham. Arabis glabra (L) Bernh. 19. In several places a mile or two S. and S.E. of Colchester. Cardamine amara L. 19. Streamside near Lexden. Lepidium latifolium L. 19. Ditches near the Strood and Salcot (G). Isatis tinctoria L. 19. One large plant in waste ground, W. Mersea. Saponaria officinalis L. 19. Roadside near Springfield and Rivenhall End. Silene noctiflora L. 18. Field near Oxney Green. Cerastium erectum (L) Coss, et Germ. 19. Tiptree Heath (G). Very little was seen and as most of the heath has been ploughed it is unlikely to persist much longer. Claytonia perfoliata Donn. 19. Plentiful near Lawford Mill. Medicago sylvestris Fries. 19. Casual by roadside N. of Colchester. M. hispida Gaertn. var. apiculata Willd. 19. Hythe Quay. Apparently established in a grassy place, but in small quantity. Melilotus indica All. 19. Hythe Quay. Trifolium fragiferum L. 19. E. Mersea (G). Lotus tenuis W. & K. 19. Field and banks near Walton- on-the-Naze (G). Onobrychis viciifolia Scop. 19. Field near Coggeshall. Lathyrus Nissolia L. 19. Railway bank at Lexden ; Field near Gt. Wigborough. Potentilla argentea L. 19. Frequent in dry, sandy places— Stainway Wood, Berechurch, Lawford Mill, etc. Sorbus torminalis L. 18. Woods at Little Baddow. Crataegus oxyacanthoides. 19. Near W. Mersea. 18. Epping Forest ; Little Baddow. Ribes odoratum Wendl. 19. In a hedge at Friday Wood Farm. Planted, but well established. Peplis Portula L, 18. Near High Wood, Writtle. Epilobium adenocaulon Hausskn. 18. Damp stony ground by Woodham Walter Common. Bupleurum tenuissimum L. 19. Grassy places at the Strood and E. Mersea. 18. About Tilbury (G).