SOME ESSEX PLANTS OBSERVED IN 1944. 287 S. aquatica L. var. appendiculata Merat. 19. Ditch near Coggeshall. Orobanche minor Sm. 19. Beaumont Quay ; Cressing. Satureia Nepeta (L) Scheele. 19. At intervals by the main London road from Langham Moor to Chelmsford (G), most plentifully about Kelvedon (G). Also in Colchester ; near the Strood ; Broomfield ; Danbury (G). 18. Churchyard Walls at E. Tilbury. Melissa officinalis L. 19. Tolleshunt d'Arcy. Plantago media L. 19. Mark's Tey Station. Chenopodium hvbridum L. 19. Cultivated ground N. of Colchester (G). C. murale L. 19. In several fields about Boreham ; Chelms- ford (G) ; in fine flower still on 3rd December, 1944. C. ficifolium Sm. 19. In fields at Boreham and Chelmsford. C. glaucum L. 19. Plentiful in potato field and nearby manure heap at Springfield. C. Vulvaria L. 19. Allotments at Kelvedon (G). C. polyspermum L. In several fields about Boreham. Salicornia radicans Sm. 19. E. Mersea (G). S. disarticulata Moss. 19. E. Mersea. Unfortunately I collected only two or three "samples" of this, not knowing it at the time, and do not know how common it was. Its solitary flowers and habit agree admirably with the figure and description in Butcher and Strudwick's Further Illustrations of the British Flora. It is interesting to note that C. E. Britton recorded it in a similar locality at St. Osyth. Ess. Nat., xvii, p. 254. Suaeda fruticosa Forsk. 19. Abundant at E. Mersea. Daphne Laureola L. 19. Lane bank near Coggeshall. Ceratophyllum demersum L. 19. Plentiful about Chelmsford in river, canal and ponds. Orchis Morio L. 19. Pasture near Berechurch. Convallaria majalis L. 19. Woodham Walter Common (G). Muscari racemosum Lam. & DC. 19. A few plants near Priors Wood, Widdington. Probably garden outcasts. Acorus Calamus L. 19. In Chelmer near Boreham (G). Sagittaria sagittifolia L. 19. In Chelmer near Boreham (G). Butomus umbellatus L. 19. In Chelmer near Boreham (G). Potamogeton pectinatus L. 19. Pond in Chelmsford. Scirpus sylvaticus L. 19. In many woods about Colchester. S. maritimus L. 18. Plentiful in pond at Danbury at 300 ft. alt. Carex Pseudo-cyperus L. 19. Pond near Coggeshall. C. helodes Link. 19. In Berechurch Hall Wood and neigh- bouring woods abundantly.