288 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. C. binervis Sm. 19. Tiptree Heath (G). C. pallescens L. 19. Near Layer-de-la-Haye (G). Carex axillaris Good. 19. Plentiful in dry ditch near Coggeshall with the parents. C. spicata Huds. 19. Near Coggeshall. C. Pairaei F. Schultz. 19. Near Berechurch. C. divulsa Stokes. 18. Plentiful on banks about Little Baddow. Setaria viridis (L) Beauv. 19. Allotments at Kelvedon. Spartina stricta (Ait.) Roth. 19. Locally plentiful at the Strood and E. Mersea. S. Townsendii H. & J. Groves. 19. Manningtree, the Strood, Maldon. Cynosurus echinatus L. 19. Lane near Gt. Wigborough. Briza maxima L. 19. With the last-named at Gt. Wig- borough. Both plants were growing in a closed associa- tion of indigenous grasses. Poa compressa L. 19. Near Park Farm, Springfield, on dry ground. Glyceria plicata Fr. var. declinata (Breb). 19. Pond near Shrub End, Colchester. Bromus erectus Huds. 19. Roadside near Marks Tey. Lepturus filiformis Trin. 19. Walton-on-the-Naze (G). Hordeum marinum L. 18. Maldon (G), E. Tilbury (G). 19. Salcot (G). Phyllitis Scolopendrium (L) Newm. 19. Wall of convent near Boreham. THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB—REPORTS OF MEETINGS. ORDINARY MEETING (847th Meeting). SATURDAY, 28TH OCTOBER, 1944. This, the first meeting of the Winter Session, was held at 2 o'clock on the above afternoon at "Brooklands." 37, Churchfields. Woodford. In the absence of the President through indisposition, the Chair was taken by Miss G. Lister, F.L.S. Twenty members attended. New members were elected as under :— Miss S. A. Castle Hogben, of the Vicarage, 249, Grove Green Road, Leyton, E.11. Miss Ethel M. Male, of Portree, 100, Forest Edge, Buckhurst Hill, Essex. Mr. Stanley Tiquet, of 18, Grove Park, Wanstead, E11. This meeting was devoted to exhibits and short papers by members. The Chairman read an account of a new species of mycetozoan Didymium laxifila G. Lister & Ross, found in Epping Forest, and exhibited a specimen of the new form which was presented to the Stratford Museum.