THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 289 Miss Prince exhibited herbarium specimens of various shore-plants from Landguard Common, Suffolk, collected by herself within the last ten years : they included Glaucium luteum, Sisymbrium Sophia, Althaea officinalis, Medicago Falcata, M. minima, Trifolium striatum, T. arvense and Vicia lutea. Mr. Glegg sent a short account of the White Stork (Ciconia c, ciconia) and its status in South Africa. Dr. Heeley sent a note on some "Parasites and Predators of the Bean—and "Beet-Aphis," with an exhibit of some of these beneficial insects, such as the Lacewing Fly, Hover Flies, Anthocorid nymphs, Ladybird Beetles and Braconid parasites. Mr. Pratt showed the larva and pupa of the Holly Blue butterfly on a twig of ivy. Mr. Scourfield exhibited the blue-green alga Gloiotrichia' echinulata which, in the form of small floating balls, is a cause of the curious phenomenon known as "the breaking of the meres." Mr. Syms showed specimens of various solitary bees, as Megachile (with its cells and cut rose-leaves), Anthidium and Osmia, and described their habits. Mr. Ross reported on damage by enemy action caused to Queen Elizabeth's Lodge : fortunately the exhibits in the Museum are but slightly affected. Mr. Crouch showed photographs from Grove Hall, Woodford, of a series of mural oil paintings on canvas, covered over before the year 1851 and recently exposed, and also other photographs of the house and stables. The Curator exhibited various photographs, new accessions to the Pictorial Survey Collection. The meeting was adjourned shortly before 4 o'clock. ORDINARY MEETING (848th Meeting). SATURDAY, 25TH NOVEMBER, 1944. This meeting was held at 2 o'clock on the above date at "Brooklands," 37, Churchfields, Woodford, with Mr. D. J. Scourfield, I.S.O, (in the regretted absence through continued indisposition of the President) presiding over a small attendance of only 15 members. The following ladies and gentlemen were elected to membership of the Club :— Mr. A. C. Alen, of 4a, Monkhams Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex. Mr. Henry Baker, Ph.D., M.Sc., etc., of 72, The Charter Road, Woodford Green, Essex Mr. Frank J. Cullen, of Cressing Temple, Braintree, Essex. Mrs Ella P Ward of 42B Eeastwood Road, Goodmayes, Essex. Miss G. Lister exhibited some plants of Senecio squalidus and described the remarkable extension of range of this showy Composite into the South-western parts of Essex during the last decade. Mr. Thompson referred to the similar spread into Essex of another Composite, Galinsoga parviflora, in recent years. A paper on "The Essex Wool Trade" by Dr. Rupert Coles, Ph.D., M.Sc, was read : also a paper by Mr. J. G. Covernton, C.I.E., on "Missile Flint Implements in Finchingfield" : the Curator showed various photographs and prints of some of the Essex wool towns in illustration of Dr. Coles' paper. A third paper, entitled "Joan Simpson and her Chigwell land," by Mr. Percy Thompson, brought the meeting to a close at about 3.30 o'clock. ORDINARY MEETING (849th Meeting). SATURDAY, JANUARY 27TH, 1945. This meeting, held, as usual, at "Brooklands," 37, Churchfields, Woodford, at 2 o'clock on the above date, was devoted to a Demonstration of the Songs of