292 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. A New British Spider. Messrs. E. Browning and W. H. T. Tams (in Proc. Linn. Soc. Dec, 1944) record the occurrence in Suffolk of a Western Mediterranean orb-weaving spider, Meta bourneti Simon, hitherto unrecorded in this country. The species is Cavernicolous on the Continent, and its habitat in Suffolk is interesting. It was found in a brick culvert at Gedding (Suffolk) in 1941 by Lieut. R. G. Jarvie, R.N.V.R., and the recorders, on examining the culvert more recently, found living specimens, both male and female, of the spider, while the occurrence of egg-sacs indicated that the colony was a flourishing one. The recorders suggest that M. bourneti may have been imported from France with wine. In view of the proximity of Suffolk to our own county, it is quite probable that the new spider may also be living in Essex. Editor. Roeseliana roeselii, Hgb. This grasshopper has hitherto been regarded as rare in this country, and restricted to the East Coast. I was surprised to find it abundant in the district round Chelmsford, N. and S. Essex. Its range in Essex is considerable : its habitat is always in long grass on the borders of lanes and fields or in rough waste land. J. A. Whellan. Corrigendum. The Editor regrets that by a printer's error, undetected until too late for amendment, the page headings 251 to 272 in the last issued Part (Part X) were wrongly given as 151 to 172. Will readers kindly make the necessary correction in their copies ?