294 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Leguminosae. Medicago lupulina L. ; Black Medick or Nonsuch. Several plants. M. sativa L. : Lucerne. One large plant. Trifolium repens L. ; Dutch Clover. Abundant and wide- spread. T. dubium Sibth ; Lesser Clover. Scattered plants. Lotus corniculatus L. : Birds-foot Trefoil. Several scattered colonies. Vicia tetrasperma Moench ; Smooth Tare. A single, plant. Onagraceae. Epilobium obscurum Schreb. A single plant. Oenothera biennis L. ; Evening Primrose. A group of plants on waste ground. Naturalised in many parts of Britain. Umbelliferae. Daucus Carota L. ; Carrot. Two plants. RUBIACEAE. Galium saxatile L. ; Heath Bedstraw. Several well-established colonies. COMPOSITAE. *Aster novi-belgii L. ; Michaelmas Daisy. Several plants. Erigeron canadensis L. ; Canadian Fleabane. Very abundant on waste ground. Matricaria inodora L. ; Scentless Mayweed. One colony. Senecio vulgaris L. ; Groundsel. Abundant on disturbed ground. var. radiatus Koch ; a single much branched plant. S. viscosus L. ; Stinking Groundsel. Abundant locally. S. squalidus L. Oxford Ragwort. Abundant in scattered colonies. *Calendula officinalis L. ; Marigold. Two plants. Cnicus arvensis Hoffm. ; Creeping Thistle. Several colonies. C. lanceolatus Hoffm. ; Spear Thistle. A few plants. Lapsana communis L. ; Nipplewort. Several plants on dis- turbed ground. Crepis virens L. ; Smooth Hawks-beard. Scattered plants. Hieracium boreale Fries. Savoy Hawkweed. One plant. Hypochaeris radicata L. ; Cats-ear. Abundant and widely distributed. Leontodon autumnalis L. ; Autumnal Hawkbit. Abundant. Taraxacum officinale Wiggers ; Dandelion. Widely dis- tributed. Sonchus oleraceus L. : Common Sowthistle. Abundant.