LIST OF FLOWERING PLANTS 295 Lactuca Scariola L. ; Abundant locally ; no doubt this is "Garden Lettuce " run wild. Tragopogon pratense L. var. minus. Goats-beard. One plant. Solanaceae. Solanum nigrum L. ; Black Nightshade. Several plants. S. Dulcamara L. ; Bittersweet. Several plants. Plantaginea. Plantago major L ; Greater Plantain. Very abundant along footpaths. P. lanceolata L. ; Ribwort Plantain. Frequent. Chenopodiaceae. Chenopodium album L. ; Fat Hen. Scattered on disturbed ground. Atriplex patula L. ; Common Orache. A few plants. Polygonaceae. Rumex obtusifolius L. ; Broad-leaved Dock. Scattered plants. R. pulcher L. ; Fiddle Dock. A few plants. R. crispus L. ; Curled Dock. Scattered plants. R. Acetosa L. ; Sorrel. Scattered plants. Euphorbiaceae. Mercurialis annua L. ; Annual Mercury. A single plant. SALICACEAE. Salix Caprea L. ; Sallow. Besides several old-established bushes, a seedling has appeared 60 yards away on open ground. Several seedling Birches and a young Grey Poplar have appeared near it, and many seedling Oaks. Juncaceae. Juncus effusus L. ; Common Rush. Abundant locally. var. conglomeratus L. ; Abundant locally. J. bufonius L. : Toad Rush. One plant. Cyperaceae. Carex leporina L. ; Oval Sedge. Several scattered colonies ; this species also occurs south of Bush Road. Gramineae. Phleum pratense L. ; Timothy Grass. Local. Agrostis vulgaris Withering ; Fine Bent-Grass. Very abun- dant. Holcus mollis L. ; Soft Grass. Abundant. Deschampsia flexuosa Trin. ; Waved Hair-Grass. A single colony. Poa pratensis L. Smooth Meadow-grass. Abundant.