296 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Of these fifty-two additions, eighteen belong to the Natural Order of Composites, whose fruits have special facilities for dispersal either by air or by foot traffic. Sixteen species are annuals ; it will be interesting to see how far they hold their own in ensuing years. On the south side of Bush Road there remain several patches of the old moorland flora with such plants as Potentilla tormentilla, Juncus squarrosus, Carex leporina, Deschampsia flexuosa and Triodea decumbens ; and on moist ground Bidens tripartita L., Three-cleft Bur Marigold, Heleocharis palustris Br., Marsh Club Rush and Alopecurus geniculatus L„ Marsh Fox-tail; but owing to the gradual drying up of shallow pools Peplus Portula L., Water Purslane, and Sparganium simplex Huds., Unbranched Bur-reed, have disappeared. In the Friends' Graveyard, Wanstead, five additional Forest plants have been recorded since the previous list was made, viz., Ulex minor Roth, Small Gorse, Hieracium Pilosella L., Mouse- eared Hawkweed, H. boreale Fi., Savoy Hawkweed, Carex hirta L., Hairy Sedge and Molinia coerulea Moench, Purple Moor Grass. The alien Spurge, Euphorbia virgata Waldst. & Kitzb., a native of South Europe and West Asia, first noted here in 1934, still flourishes, and a new colony has appeared some yards away from the first one, amongst grass. In the late summer Hare- Bells and Devils-bit Scabious flower freely in the central area of the grounds. We should have to go far into the northern part of the Forest before meeting with these bright-flowered plants again. BOW PORCELAIN. By THE CURATOR. AN important recent accession to the Stratford Museum merits particular mention in view of its intrinsic value and of its local association. A former resident of West Ham, Mr. Leonard Crow, now an antiquarian dealer in the provinces and specialising in porcelain, being wishful worthily to commemorate his and his family's connection with this Borough, and having in the past frequented our local museum, conceived the idea of donating a nucleus- collection of Bow Porcelain to the museum, both as a memorial to members of his family who had filled various offices locally