ii. " Some of the most delightful of all gardens are the little strips in front of road- side cottages. They have a simple and tender charm that one may look for in vain in gardens of greater pretension. And the old garden flowers seem to know that there they are seen at their best; for where else can one see such Wallflowers, or Double Daisies, or White Rose bushes; such clustering masses of perennial Peas, or such well-kept flowery edgings of Pink, or Thrift, or London Pride ? " Gertrude Jekyll. " Little footpaths sweet to see " Go seeking sweeter places still." Clare. " And this is England ! June's undarkened green " Gleams on far woods; and in the vales between " Gray hamlets, older than the trees that shade " Their ripening meadows, are in quiet laid, " Themselves a part of the warm, fruitful ground." Laurence Benyon. " An English home—gray twilight poured " On dewy pastures, dewy trees, " Softer than sleep—all things in order stored, " A haunt of ancient peace." Tennyson.