iv. Essex Wool Trade, 251, 289. Fallow Deer at Parndon, 272. Fisher. Rev. J. L., conducts visit to Netteswell, etc., 187 ; to Latton Priory, 225. Flora of Wanstead Park district, 121, 128, 293. Flower, Miss W. U., elected a member. 169 ; exhibits photographs of Anax imperator, 208 ; exhibits photo- graphs of nestling Kestrel, 209 ; exhibits living Wood Mouse and Field Vole, 247 ; exhibits photo- graphs, 249. Folk-Lore of Birds, 63. Forest Butterflies in 1945, 306. Forest Rambles, 304. Foundations of Prehistory. 89. Hills, A., Some Bocking Flowers, 41 : nature-notes, 247. Hendell. P. B., elected a member, 188. Hogben, Miss S. A. C, elected a member, 288. Holdsworth, R., elected a member, 209. Hole Haven, ornithological notes. 291. Holocene Mollusca, Report on, 279. Hoopoe, The : its status, 258. Horn. P. W„ Badger at Romford, 37. Howard, W., Notes on the Flora of Martinhoe, Devon, 248. Humphries, R. W.. elected a member. 249. Jane, F. W., exhibits Trentepohlia aurea, also specimens of Mibora verna and Lloydia serotina, and "critical" rushes. 170; exhibits aquatic plants from Snowdonia. 209 ; nominated as President, 290 ; elected President, 291. Joan Simpson and her Chigwell Land. 264. Kemsley, Mrs. Irene, elected a member, 33. Kennard. A. S.. Report on Holocene Mollusca, 279. King, B., Ornithological Notes from Hole Haven, 291. Latton Priory, visit to, 225. Lewis, W. J., elected a member, 249. Light. Miss L. E.. elected a member. 189. Liming, War-time, in Essex, 241. Linder. S. E., exhibits and presents pottery from Canvey, 33 ; presents same and bronze pin, 36 ; "Red hills" of Canvey Island, 48, 98 : exhibits relics from Canvey ex- cavations. 120. Lisney, A. A., elected a member, 153. Lister. Miss G., describes the develop- ment of the Black Bryony, 35 ; exhibits same, 36 ; exhibits Mother- wort, 36 ; presents Pipistrelle bat. 36 ; Herons visiting a Suburban Garden, 37 ; Flora of the Wanstead Park District, 121. 293 ; List of Flowering Plants and Conifers in the Wanstead Park District, 128 ; On the Occurrence of Oligonema nitens in Essex, 181 : exhibits specimens and drawings of species of Forsythia, 208 ; presents Noctule Bat used by Lord Lister in 1857, 209 : Stemonitis hyperopta, 228, 247 : exhibits Crucibulum vulgare. 247 ; exhibits drawings of tadpoles, 248 ; Nestling Bluetits fed by Hen Sparrow, 250 ; New Species of Mycetozoa. 263 ; note on Senecio squalidus. 272 : exhibits Senecio squalidus, 289. Geological and Prehistoric Records, N.W. Essex. 273. Geological and Prehistoric Traps, 2. Gladwyn, A. E., conducts ramble from Chigwell to Lambourne. 226. Gladwyn, Mrs. R.. elected a member, 36. Glegg, W. E.. Broad Features of the Ornithology of Essex. 35 ; Folk Lore of Birds in Relation to Essex, 63 ; reads an account of the Tring Museum, 119: the Duck Decoys of Essex, 191. 211 ; Note on the Invasion of Waxwings, 170 ; the Black Redstart. 179 : the Hoopoe, its status during the past century, 258 ; White Stork, its status in South Africa, 289, Subordinate Markings of Bird-feathers. 300. Golding. J., elected a member, 208. Graddon. W. D., Discomycetes recorded in Essex. 19, 229. Graddon, W. D.. exhibits discomycetes and micro-photographs, 33 ; Notes on the Discomycetous Fungi of Essex, 35 ; exhibits new Essex discomycetes, 36 ; Impatiens glan- dulifera at Leyton. 39 ; Stray Notes on Essex Plants, 114 ; exhibits discomycetous fungi, 170 : exhibits Cyathicula coronata, 207 : Two new | Essex discomycetes. 229 : exhibits Sarcoscypha coccinea, 248. Habits and Life-histories of Woodlice. 105, 138. Hatley. Mrs. A., exhibits and presents watercolours. 34. Heeley, W., Habits and Life-History of Woodlice, 105, 138 : exhibits various agricultural pests, 169, 209 ; the Spindle-tree and the Beet Aphis Control, 267 : note on Parasites of Bean, etc., 289. Highbeach, visit to, 303.