vi. specimens of British Earwigs, 119 ; exhibits Chrysomelid beetles, 152; exhibits various Chameleon Flies, 170 ; exhibits British and other cockroaches, 207 ; exhibits various Crickets, 209 ; exhibits solitary bees, 289 ; exhibits blood-sucking Diptera, 209 ; exhibits nest of Potter Wasp, 247 ; exhibits Blaps mucronata, 248 ; exhibits varieties of Buff Ermine moth, 291. The Chignalls and Great Waltham. visit to, 82. Theydon Garnon, visit to, 305, Thompson, P., exhibits Alnus glutinosa var. laciniata, 34 ; on Oven Clocks, 38 ; Peziza vesiculosa on sandbags, 39 ; exhibits Report on Sanitation of West Ham in 1855 ; also "A Short Historical Sketch of the Development of West Ham under its Local Board," dated 1880 ; also the printed Poll for the Southern Division of Essex held in 1857, 116 ; an account of Henry Doubleday, of Epping, 117 : exhibits Mysis relicta from Ennerdale Water, 154 ; exhibits herbarium plants, 153 ; "Vermin Payments at Woodford in late 18th century," 167 ; exhibits Green Sandpiper, shot at Leyton in 1863, 169 : exhibits burrows of Scolytus destructor, 207 ; exhibits toys made from natural objects, 208 ; exhibits flakes from the Channel Islands, 208 ; exhibits Mibora verna, 210 ; exhibits spherical flints. 248 ; exhibits old maps of Essex. 249 ; exhibits Essex Byegones, 249 ; Joan Simpson and her Chigwell land, 264 : exhibits Didymium squamulosum, exhibits Damasonium stellatum from Herts ; exhibits Viking stirrup, 290 : the River-Walls of Essex. 281 ; exhibits rainprints in mudstone, 290 ; exhibits quartzite knives from Central Australia, 290 ; Bow Porcelain, 296. Tiquet, S., elected a member, 288. Tubbs, B. R., elected a member, 305. Turner, E. E., Essex Records of Man Orchid, 37 ; Some Random Recollections, 249. Turner, Spencer, and his Nursery. 45. Upshire, botanical ramble, 190, 303. Vine, F. C, elected a member, 153. Visit to Theydon Garnon and Abridge, 305. Wanstead Park Flora, 121, 128, 293. Ward, Mrs. E. P., elected a member, 289. Ward, R.. elected a member, 289 ; presents chart of Thames from London to Gravesend, 291. Warren. S. H., Geological and Pre- historic Traps. 2 ; exhibits models of worked wood from peat-beds, 33 ; exhibits microliths and arrowheads from Hull Bridge, 35 ; Foundations of Prehistory, 89 ; exhibits, "bill- hook scrapers" from the Clactonian deposits, 150 ; exhibits flint imple- ments. 169 ; exhibits sundry antiques. 170 ; exhibits Romano-British discs, 207 ; exhibits patinated flints, 208 ; lectures on "How Flint Implements were made," 210 ; exhibits Romano- British pottery. 248 ; Demonstration of technique of Clactonian industry, 249 ; Some Geological and Pre- historic Records N.W. Essex, 273. War-time Liming in Essex, 241. Weal, R. D.. Camberwell Beauty at Chingford. 306. Whellan, J. A.. Essex Plants observed in 1944, 284 ; Roescliana roeselii. abundance in Essex, 292. Woodlice. Habits and Life-Histories of, 105, 138. Wool Trade, the Essex. 251.