2 EDITORIAL PERCY THOMPSON relinquished his work as editor of the Essex Naturalist on the completion of Volume XXVII. He had held this office for 27 years, and a perusal of the volumes issued during this period gives the best idea of the amount of work which has gone into their preparation and of the successful manner in which the task has been accomplished. It is to be deplored that the last years of his editorship should have been years of international upheaval, when, with the absence of many officers and members of the Club, Mr. Thompson carried out the full duties of Secretary and Treasurer as well. It is fitting that this new volume should begin with an expression of appreciation of these services, while it is also a matter for congratulation that the Club retains the services of Mr. Thompson as its secretary and curator. The task of maintaining the standard of the Essex Naturalist is no light one, and it can only be accomplished with the active co-operation of members. Papers on relevant subjects are not the only material required, for not the least useful part of a county journal is the recording of observations of local interest : the editors hope that members will submit notes on all such matters for publication in the Essex Naturalist. The Frontispiece Our Frontispiece is a reminder of the beauties still remaining to us on the very outskirts of Epping Forest. In close proximity to heavily populated areas, such glades suffer much wear and tear by reason of their great popularity as a place of recreation for people of London. It behoves us all to help all we can in preserving their amenities.