1943-4 None
1944-5 Didymium trachysporum
Stemonitis confluens
Comatricha elegans
1945-6 Badhamia macrocarpa
Diderma spumarioides
In 1941 the rainfall at Chingford was 26.1 inches, over one
inch above the average of 1905-41. In each of the four
succeeding years the rainfall has been below the average, the
shortage of the last three years being a total of about ten inches.
The 1945 total was 21.6 inches against 21.8 inches for 1944.
The results of the last 12 months have been somewhat
disappointing, the weather being chiefly responsible. October
was a fine month and there was little rain in November. Drying
winds frequently removed the effect of rainfall. Consequently,
while at the end of September 50 species had been listed, the
year ends with a total of 59, inclusive of Badhamia foliicola,
which Miss Lister found on sycamore leaves in the garden at
871, High Road, Leytonstone.
No species was added to the list after November, although
survivals contributed to the monthly list; only five species are
known to have appeared in the month now ending, and of these
Didymium laxifila did not mature. The four species which did
mature were Physarum nutans, Didymium squamulosum, Physarum
cinereum and Trichia decipiens. The only species which has
been found in good condition and frequently this month is D.
squamulosum. On the 21st it gave some pleasure to find imma-
ture rosy-pink Trichia decipiens on the underside of a piece of
rotting wood on the upper side of which were ice and moss.
In the following table X indicates that the species has occurred
during the period to which the column refers. Each period ends
with February. 1941-2 is for six months, September to February;
the other periods are each for 12 months.