TRICHIA FLORIFORMIS IN EPPING FOREST 19 TRICHIA FLORIFORMIS IN EPPING FOREST BY JOSEPH ROSS BY the collection of Trichia floriformis (Schweinitz) G. Lister in Epping Forest on 19th October, 1946, the number of species of Mycetozoa recorded for Essex is raised to 107, a very satisfactory result when it is borne in mind that the records have been obtained almost wholly in the south-western part of the county. The species was found on an old and decayed willow log lying on a bank sloping down to a bog near Oak Hill Farm, Theydon. The age and condition of the log can be judged from the growth upon it of a birch seedling grass, ferns, lichens, mosses and liverworts. One end of the log meets a wet part of the bog, and it was at this broken end that T. floriformis developed. The colony was a large one, but when it was first seen and again on 5th November most of the sporangia had been attacked by