40 THE ESSEX NATURALIST The Honorary Secretary showed a series of typescript bulletins sent to him by a soldier serving in Persia, giving reports of natural history obser- vations in the neighbourhood of Baghdad and elsewhere: it is interesting to note how many common British birds and plants are to be met with there. He also showed many photographs which were recent additions to the Pictorial Survey collection. The members then adjourned to the Museum gallery, where the Curator read an account of the important new accession, now being arranged, of Bow Porcelain presented by Mr. Leonard Crow and other donors (vide E.N., xxvii, p. 296). The meeting then dispersed to inspect the various exhibits in detail. ORDINARY MEETING (856th Meeting) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24TH, 1945 This meeting was held in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College at 3 p.m. The President, Dr. Frank W. Jane, in the chair. Some 28 members attended. The President expressed regret that the Hon. Secretary was ill with sciatica and the members present were united in wishing him a speedy recovery. Nominations for membership were received in favour of Mr. George H. Greaves and Mrs. Florence T. Greaves, both of 71, St. Ronan's Crescent, Woodford Green; proposed by Miss Elsie A. Greaves and seconded by Miss G. Lister. Forty-five herbarium specimens of Conifers from the Museum were displayed on the tables. They had been selected mainly to illustrate the paper to be read by the President. Miss Greaves stated that they were just a few picked from the fine collection of Conifers presented to the Museum by Miss G. Lister during a long period of years. The President then delivered a lecture on "Some Common Conifers and their Timbers" (see p. 25). This he illustrated by numerous lantern slides and by specimens of some of the timbers. Many questions were asked, showing the great interest aroused by the lecture. Miss Lister and Mr. Scourfield expressed great appreciation of Dr. Jane's work and he was accorded a very hearty vote of thanks. The hope was expressed that the lecture, with illustrations if possible, would be published in the Club's Journal. ORDINARY MEETING (857th Meeting) SATURDAY, JANUARY 26TH, 1946 This meeting was held, as usual, in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, at 3 p.m. The President, Dr. Frank W. Jane, in the chair. Thirty members attended. The President expressed the pleasure of the members at the return of the Hon. Secretary after his recent illness. The Hon. Secretary referred to the announced decision of the Ministry of Health to erect buildings on a portion of Epping Forest near East Ham under its war-time powers in contravention of the Epping Forest Act and in spite of the opposition of the Conservators. He proposed that the Club, which had several times in past years joined vigorously in opposing inter- ference with the amenities of the Forest, should send a protest to the Ministry against its action. On being put to the meeting the proposal was carried unanimously.