REPORTS OF MEETINGS 43 a fine spread of Menyanthes trifoliata was admired and the songs of so many birds were heard that it needed an attentive ear to pick out the voices of some of the choir, which included Nightingale, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Blackcap, Garden Warbler, Redbreast, Whitethroat, Wren, Great Tit, Chaffinch and Cuckoo. Walking along the Epping Road, the Mistle Thrush and Tree Pipit were heard, and Great Monk Wood, its great beeches lovely in their delicate spring foliage, was entered. Here a herd of Fallow Deer was seen, the song of the Redstart was heard and the entomologists made a noteworthy find in the brilliantly coloured Cranefly, Ctenophora flaveolata Fab., the subject of a special note in this issue. Lunch was eaten by a pond in Little Monk Wood, and hereabouts the Large Red Damsel Fly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) was observed and a Red Squirrel was startled from its drey. After skirting the picturesque Strawberry Hill Pond, where the Water Ranunculus was in bloom, the party made its way to High Beach, where the Nuthatch and the Wood Warbler were heard. In all, some 44 species of wild flowers were noted, the Oak and the Dwarf Willow being particularly lavish in bloom. A large old Wild Cherry Tree (Prunus avium), with many dead branches, but still flowering, was seen at High Beach and specimens were gathered from a Birch, which, in addition to male and female catkins, bore some, the upper half of which was composed of female flowers and the lower half of male flowers. Other noteworthy finds included the Adder's Tongue (Ophioglossum vulgatum) and barren plants of Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis). A welcome and appetising tea was enjoyed at the Duke of Wellington Inn at High Beach, after which a formal meeting was held with Mr. D. J. Scourfield, Vice-President, in the chair; when the following persons were elected to membership:— Mrs. M. A. Debure-Shorto, of 12, Hamfrith Road, Stratford, E.15. Mr. E. Hensler, of "Gilead Balm," 12, Knighton Close, Woodford Green. Mr. D. H. S. Shean, of 8, Clare Road, Leytonstone, E.11. Mr. F. Whitworth, of 16, Seagry Road, Wanstead, E.11. The Hon. Secretary took this opportunity to invest the new Excursions Secretary, Miss Grace Hilbert, B.Sc, with a badge of office in the form of the whistle which he himself had carried at the Club's excursions for so many years. The Chairman proposed the thanks of the meeting to Mr. Ross who had acted as leader of the day's ramble: and thus ended a most enjoyable meeting which had taken place in perfect spring weather and had been attended by 22 members. EXCURSION TO THE DANBURY DISTRICT (861st Meeting) SATURDAY, MAY 25TH. 1946 Just after 10 o'clock, with grave misgivings as to the weather, 26 members of the Club left Woodford by motor coach. Travelling through Epping towards Ongar, a brief detour was made so that the little Saxon church of St. Andrew's, Greensted could be visited. The Reverend W. A. Hewett welcomed the party and gave an account of the history of the church. Re-entering the coach, the party journeyed through Ongar, Writtle and Chelmsford to Sandon, where the church with its square Tudor brick tower was thoroughly explored. A number of the members climbed the tower to enjoy the view from the top and stayed a while in the bell-chamber to watch the raising of the largest bell. Having received a kind invitation