REPORTS OF MEETINGS 47 party turned towards Loughton, which was the venue for tea. The party arrived at the Brooklyn Cafe shortly before 4 o'clock, and in pleasant conditions, the discomfort of the weather was soon forgotten. Although the rain did not favour detailed search for wild-flowers some 75 species were recorded, which included Nymphaea alba, Pimpinella major, Galium verum, Senecio viscosus and Senecio squalidus. ORDINARY MEETING (865th Meeting) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26TH, 1946 This meeting was held in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Stratford, at 3 o'clock, with the President, Dr. Frank W. Jane, in the chair. Thirty-one members attended. The meeting was devoted to exhibits by members. Miss G. Lister exhibited a herbarium specimen of Sium erectum, found by her "in some abundance" in Epping Forest in 1911 and presented to Bedford College; the specimen had kindly been returned to Miss Lister, as a local rarity in the Forest, and was now presented to the Stratford Museum for inclusion in its herbarium. Mr. Ross has recently found this Umbellifer in a pond in the Forest near Whitehall Lane, Chingford, and he exhibited his specimen, adding some particulars of the nature of its habitat (see p. 36). Mr. Ross also showed and described a number of mycetozoa from Epping Forest : he remarked that the wet weather this summer had proved to be good for mycetozoa, which, as in 1941 (also a wet year), had occurred numerously. The President exhibited a small branch of the native form of Scots Pine, Pinus sylvestris var. scotica, from Scotland, which is easily identifiable by its short needles, only an inch or so in length, in contradistinction to the southern and cultivated form of the species. He also showed a rabbit skull in which the upper incisors were abnormally developed to an extent likely to cause the death of the animal by starvation. At this point the President was obliged to leave the meeting in order to fulfil another engagement, and Miss Lister took the chair. Mr. William Howard showed a long series of lantern photographs of views in Epping Forest, taken some 37 years ago, to illustrate the growth of trees and of flowers and ferns. The Curator showed two albums of the Museum's Pictorial Survey, illustrating views in Epping Forest. Thanks were passed to the donor and the exhibitors, and the meeting adjourned at 4.30 o'clock. ORDINARY MEETING (866th Meeting) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30TH, 1946 This meeting was held in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the West Ham Municipal College at 3 o'clock, with the President, Dr. Frank W. Jane, in the chair. Thirty-three members attended. The following ladies and gentlemen were elected to membership of the Club:— Miss N. B. Harvey, of 181, Little Ilford Lane, E.12. Miss M. Langwell, of 25, Tennyson Avenue, Wanstead, E.11. Miss J. G. Minton, of Fairbourne, Rose Valley, Brentwood. Dr. E. A. Rudge, Ph.D., M.Sc., etc., Principal of West Ham Municipal College. Mr. F. C. Wickson, of 33, Castle Drive, Ilford. Miss G. Lister exhibited the myxomycete, Trichia floriformis, found in Epping Forest in October, 1946, by Mr. J. Ross : this is a new record for the County.