REPORTS OF MEETINGS 157 ORDINARY MEETING (895th Meeting) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30TH, 1948 This meeting was held in the West Ham Municipal College at 3 p.m. with the President, Dr. Frank W. Jane, in the chair. Twenty-two members attended. Miss Rita Baroux, of 183, Putney Bridge Road, London, S.W.15, was elected a member of the Club. The President reported on the progress of negotiations between the Club and the Corporation of West Ham resulting from the latter's unilateral decision to close the Essex Museum. No agreement had yet been reached, but there was still some hope that the Club's efforts to have the decision rescinded would not be in vain. The remainder of the meeting was devoted to exhibits by members. Mrs. Pratt showed three of her paintings depicting Maldon Flour Mills and winter and summer scenes in Epping Forest. Mr. Pratt showed various Lepidoptera collected in the county during the summer including Purple and White-letter Hairstreak and Silver-studded Blue butterflies and Small Eggar moth. He also showed monochrome and hand-coloured photographic lantern slides of various Agarics and of a young plant of Bracken with the prothallus still in evidence. Mr. Ross showed a number of notable specimens of Mycetozoa. He mentioned he had recorded 61 species from Epping Forest during 1948 up to the end of October and that he had identified one further species taken during the Fungus Foray, namely Reticularia Lycoperdon. Mr. Richard Ward exhibited and presented to the Museum a specimen of Pyrola rotundifolia found by him at Grays during the summer. This is the first record of this rare species from the county (see p. 138). Mr. Bernard Ward showed specimens of Pyrola rotundifolia including one of the variety arenaria from Freshfield, Lancashire and gave an account of the varied habitats from which the plant had been recorded. He also spoke of the mycorrhiza affecting Pyrola and other Ericaceae. It was interesting to conjecture whether the plants found at Grays might have an associated mycorrhiza and he hoped to find an opportunity to investigate the possibility. He also showed a lantern slide depicting the Mandarin drake which had frequented Connaught Water recently. He had photographed the bird among a number of Mallard on the ice last winter. Mr. Richard Ward showed a specimen of what was thought to be an Alga taken from extensive sheets of the organism growing in water-cooling apparatus at a Grays works. Mr. Crouch exhibited three cartoons of Essex notabilities drawn 1820-23 by Richard Dighton and read a short paper on the subject (see p. 123). This exhibit was supplemented by a selection of photographs from the Pictorial Survey collection and by a miniature of Sir John Hall. A paper by Mr. W. E. Glegg on "Anting by Birds" was read in abstract (see p. 119). ORDINARY MEETING (896th Meeting) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH, 1948 This meeting was held at the West Ham Municipal College at 3 p.m. with the President, Dr. Frank W. Jane, in the chair. Twenty-one members and friends attended. The President explained that the Honorary Secretary was unable to be present owing to indisposition and it was resolved that wishes for his speedy recovery should be sent to him.