192 THE ESSEX NATURALIST were forms occurring on leaves, and included Comatricha rubens Lister and Trichia contorta (Ditmar) Rostafinski from the plan- tation at the Warren, Loughton. Nearby an old poplar log bore a large mass of the yellow form of Arcyria ferruginea Sauter which attracted attention at a distance of some yards. Collo- derma oculatum (Lippert) G. Lister occurred both in March and April, and it was probably due to the snowfall in February that Diderma laxafila G. Lister and Ross matured in March on green bramble leaves. D. laxafila and Physarum vernum Sommerfelt var. iridescens G. Lister developed on. an oak leaf in Hawk Wood, Chingford. The Ph. vernum was remarkable, as although most of the sporangia were without lime in the walls, a few did contain lime; all the sporangia tested had the large lime granules in the lime knots and because of this are considered to be the variety, which is the usual form in Epping Forest. Possibly it was through the unfavourable conditions of the preceding autumn that Trichia persimilis Karsten made an early appearance on June 8th. Four days later Trichia floriformis (Schweinitz) G. Lister was found in much weathered condition, but with some sporangia not burst. During July masses of Cribraria argillacea Persoon matured on much-decayed wood of the Wild Service-tree and remained there in more or less weathered condition until November; Cribraria vulgaris Schrader occurred on the same crumbling log. Craterium aureum (Schumacher) Rost. was found in July, August and September. It was not until the rains of August had thoroughly moistened the leaf beds that Diachea leucopoda (Bulliard) Rost. developed; it was also found in September and October. The occurrence of Tubifera ferruginosa (Batsch) Gmelin was similar; this species appeared on old poplar logs at the Warren. These logs, with others, were sold to firewood merchants, but were found to be so decayed that they were not removed. Badhamia foliicola Lister occurred on grass near Hawk Wood in August and September, and in the same months Physarum viride Pers. and Craterium leucocephalum Ditm. were found. Physarum cinereum Pres., Ph. sinuosum (Bull.) Weinmann and Diderma floriforme (Bull.) Pers. developed in September, but Physarum bitectum Lister, Diderma radiatum (L.) Morgan var. umbilicatum Meylan and D. montanum Meyl. were not reported during the period. By the end of October sixty-one species had been recorded, but the next four months brought only five more into the list, these including Badhamia macrocarpa Rost. (found by Mr. S. Waller in Wanstead Park in November), Didymium trachysporum G. Lister and Margarita metallica (Berkeley and Broome) Lister. In 1946-47 the number of species recorded was sixty-eight and in 1947-48 sixty-two.