196 THE ESSEX NATURALIST 28. Synopsis of the known species of British Freshwater Entomostraca, Part 3 Ostracoda, Phyllopoda, Branchiura............(1) April 1904 29. Die sogenannten "Riechstabchen" der Cladoceren.. (9) 1905 30. Freshwater Biological Stations...... .. (1) April 1905 31. The locomotion of microscopic aquatic organisms .. (10) April 1905 and (1) April 1909 32. Entomostraca. (In the wild fauna and flora of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.)......(11)1906 33. Mendel's Law of Heredity ........(8)1905-6 34. Mendelism and Microscopy .... .. .. (1) Nov. 1906 35. An Alona and a Pleuroxus new to Britain. (A. weltneri Keilhack and P. denticulatus Birge.) .. .. (1) April 1907 36. The biological work of the Scottish Lake Survey .. (12) 1908 37. Sketch of Mendel's life and work ......(13)1911 38. The use of the Centrifuge in Pond-life work .. .. (1) Nov. 1911 39. Entomostraca from Arctic Bed at Ponder's End .. (14) June 1912 40. Freshwater Entomostraca—Clare Island Survey .. (15) July 1912 41. Entomostraca from "The Warren," Folkestone .. (16) 1912 42. A new Copepod in water from hollows on tree trunks ............(1) April 1915 43. Note on the recent occurrence of the "Fairy Shrimp" (Chirocephalus diaphanus) at Epping .. .. (6) 1920 44. Physical factors in freshwater biological problems (Pres. Address) ..........(1) Nov. 1923 45. High-power work on the larger microscopic organisms (1) Nov. 1924 46. Asymmetry among microscopic organisms (Pres. Address) ............(1) Nov. 1925 47. On a new type of crustacean from the Old Red Sand- stone (Rhynie Chert Bed, Aberdeenshire)—Lepi- docaris rhyniensis, gen. et spec. nov. .. (17) 1925 48. Water turned to "blood" in an Epping Forest pond..............(6) Mar. 1926 49. Freshwater Crustacea of Essex—especially Epping Forest district ..........(18) June 1926 50. A microscopic fossil Crustacean from the Rhynie Chert, Aberdeenshire ........ .. (1) 1927 51. Some field phenomena due directly to microscopic organisms (Pres. Address) .. .. .. .. (6) Sept. 1927 52. A new type of aquarium microscope .. .. .. (19) June 1928 53. A plea for more systematic attention to Aquatic Biology in Field Club work..........(6) Sept. 1928 55. Sand-grains agglutinated into flocculent masses by small algae ............(6) Mar. 1929 56. Water-surface plants and animals : with special reference to a surface-tension factor in their environment (Pres. Address) .. .. .. (6) Sept. 1929 57. Some biological problems as illustrated by the Ento- mostraca (Pres. Address) ...... .. (6) Sept. 1930 58. Nannoplankton and its collection by means of the Centrifuge............(20) Sept. 1930 60. A new species of Cyclops found on the cliff-face at Tenby ............(21) Dec. 1932 61. The Linnescope............(22) April 1934 62. The occurrence of a minute fungus on a free-swimming alga (a Chytrid on Chlorogonium) in an Epping Forest pond............(6)1936