THE PUBLISHED PAPERS OF D. J. SCOURFIELD 197 63. An anomalous fossil organism, Ainiktozoon loganense, gen. et spec, nov...........(23) Feb. 1937 64. Note on the colourless flagellates—Histiona campanula Penard and H. planctonica, sp. nov. .. .. (1) April 1937 65. Entomostraca in strange places........(1) July 1939 66. The microscopic life of the "leaf carpet" of woods and forests ............(6) 1940 67. Note on the difference in coloration of the head in Asellus aquaticus and A, meridianus .. .. (6) 1940 68. The oldest known fossil insect (Rhyniella praecursor Hirst and Maulik)—further details from additional specimens............(24) April 1940 69. The oldest known fossil insect .. .. .. .. (25) May 1940 70. Two new and nearly complete specimens of young stages of Lepidocaris rhyniensis .. .. .. (24) Aug. 1940 71. Discovery of Mysis relicta in Ennerdale .. .. (25) Aug. 1941 72. An androgynous Daphnia pulex from Warley .. .. (6)1941 73. A Key to the British Species of Freshwater Cladocera, by D. J. Scourfield and J. P. Harding, Ph.D. .. (26) 1941 74. The "Pulex" forms of Daphnia and their separation into two distinct series ........(21) Mar. 1942 75. The rare spiral diatom Cylindrotheca gracilis in Epping Forest .............(6)1943 76. The Entomostraca of the bottom deposits of Winder- mere ..............(24) June 1943 77. The post-embryonal development of the male of Daphnia magna ..........(1) Dec. 1943 78. The Nanno-plankton of bomb-crater pools in Epping Forest ............(6) 1944 79. Notes on Daphnias without eyes and preserving Entomostraca ..........(1) Dec. 1945 80. A short-spined Daphnia (Daphnia ambigua sp. n.) .. (1) Dec. 1946 81. Pelosphaera rotans Lauterborn with some remarks on other free-swimming spherical colonies of micro- organisms ............(6)1948 The numbers preceding each title correspond with the author's numbering of the bound set of papers presented by Mrs. Scourfield to the Essex Field Club. Numbers 54 and 59 (which are omitted from the above list) refer, not to original papers, but to printed references to the apparatus described in papers 52 and 61. The numbers in brackets refer (see list below) to the journals in which the papers appeared and are followed by the date of the issue. (1) Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club. (2) Linnean Journal of Zoology. (3) Natural Science. (4) Forschungsberichte aus der Biologischen Station zu Plon. (5) Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. (6) Essex Naturalist. (7) Annual of Microscopy. (8) Proceedings of the South London Entom. and Nat. Hist. Society. (9) XII Bande der Plon Forschungsberichte Stuttgart. (10) Proceedings of City of London College Science Society. (11) Kew Bulletin. (12) Internationale Revue des gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie. (13) Mendel Journal. (14) Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society.