INSECTS 209 INSECTS Dragonflies in 1949.—There has not been any publication dealing with the Dragonflies of Essex for many years, apart from the report of the dis- covery of Coenagrion scitulum Ramb. (1). In 1930 Mr. E. E. Syms, F.R.E.S. (2) published a list of dragonflies taken by him in the neighbourhood of Epping Forest during the preceding 15 years. This list detailed twenty species with a report of one additional species recorded from the Forest. In 1933 Mr. E. B. Pinniger, F.R.E.S. (3) published a review of the species occurring in the Forest. He records at least twenty-two species. During the next six years Mr. Pinniger published (4) under various titles a series of notes on Dragonflies in which he gives reports of the occurrence of various Odonata throughout the British Isles and including some notes on Essex species chiefly from the S.W. part of the county. In 1949 Miss C. E. Long- field, F.R.E.S. (5) commenced in the London Naturalist a series of notes on the Dragonflies of the London area which in Essex covers that part within twenty miles radius of St. Paul's Cathedral. The following notes represent our combined observations during 1949. No attempt as yet can be made to set forth the status and distribution of the various species throughout the county. Changes in the occurrence of species and their relative abundance are frequent and members are asked to record species noted by them so that a complete account may be prepared. The species recorded below total twenty-two. The nomenclature followed is that of the Generic Names of British insects, Part two "Odonata" published by the Royal Entomological Society of London, 1935, which lists twenty-one genera and forty-three species as British. Platycnemis pennipes (Pallas). The colony at Curtis Mill Green still exists, var. lactea being the more common. (E.E.S.) The Roding was searched for this species on July 16th but thundery weather kept the Dragon- flies off the wing. (E.B.P.) Pyrrhosoma nymphula (Sulzer). First seen on April 15th. (E.E.S.) Seen commonly during the summer at Fairmead ; Strawberry Hill ; Cuckoo Pits and Monk Wood. Noted at Benfleet, July 18th and 25th. (E.B.P.) Seen at Stanford Rivers ; Margaretting and Ongar. (B.T.W.) Ischnura elegans (Van der Linden). Seen commonly in Epping Forest area, also near Parndon (River Stort) ; common at Benfleet on July 18th, but not so frequent on July 25th. (E.B.P.) Seen at Hatfield Forest and on Childerditch Common. (B.T.W.) Enallagma cyathigerum (Charpentier). Seen commonly in the Forest during the summer at ponds and bomb craters. Noted at Benfleet but not commonly. (E.B.P.) Seen at Stanford Rivers ; Margaretting and Shelley. (B.T.W.) Coenagrion puella (Linnaeus). Common at ponds in Wanstead Park. (E.E.S.) Common in Epping Forest also common at Benfleet on June 18th. (E.B.P.) Seen at Shelley and Hatfield Forest. (B.T.W.) C. scitulum (Rambur). Single female seen on June 18th in S.E. Essex ; several males and two females seen on June 25th. Seen by other observers on various dates from May to July. (E.B.P.) Erythromma najas (Hansemann). Strawberry Hill Pond, Epping Forest, July. (E.B.P.) Hatfield Forest. (B.T.W.) Lestes sponsa (Hanse.). Benfleet, June, not common. (E.B.P.) Warley Common. (E.E.S.) Epping Forest. (B.T.W.) Lestes dryas (Kirby). Common on June 25th in S.E. Essex. (E.B.P.) Agrion splendens (Harris). A few at Baldwins Pond, Epping Forest in June ; Little Parndon, July. (E.B.P.) Abundant on the Roding, near Shelley, July. Seen at Margaretting. (B.T.W.) Brachytron pratense (Muller). One specimen, possibly this species, seen at Benfleet. (E.B.P.)