210 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Aeshna grandis (L.) Common throughout Epping Forest. Seen in gardens at Chingford up to 9 p.m. (E.B.P.) Wanstead Park. (E.E.S.) Warley Common. (B.T.W.) Aeshna cyanea (Muller). As common as grandis. (E.B.P.) Wanstead Park. (E.E.S.) Seen along the Roding between Ongar and Fyfield ; at Warley Common and Hainault Forest. (B.T.W.) Aeshna mixta (Latreille). Seen and taken at Coopersale Common also seen near Chingford, September. (E.B.P. and B.T.W.) Anax imperator (Leach). At bomb craters on Chingford Plain, July 23rd ; Monkwood ; Coopersale Common and Benfleet. (E.B.P.) Hatfield Forest. (B.T.W.) Hainault Forest. (E.E.S.) Cordulia aenea (L.) Taken at Strawberry Hill Pond, Epping Forest. (B.T.W.) Fairmead Pond, Epping Forest. (E.B.P.) Orthetrum cancellatum (L.) Seen at Hainault June 9th. (E.E.S.) Hatfield Forest. (B.T.W.) Several males seen at Connaught Waters on July 22nd but not seen on July 23rd. Female seen at Cuckoo Pits. (E.B.P.) Libellula quadrimaculata (L.) Wanstead Park. (E.E.S.) Monkwood, Epping Forest. (E.B.P.) L. depressa (L.) Wanstead Park. (E.E.S.) Bomb craters on Chingford Plain. (E.B.P.) Stanford Rivers ; Margaretting ; Childerditch Common. (B.T.W.) Sympetrum striolatum (Charp). Generally common in the Forest. (E.E.S., E.B.P. and B.T.W.) Common at Benfleet. (E.B.P.) S. sanguineum (Muller). Not so common as usual. (E.E.S.) Benfleet and Coopersale Common. (E.B.P.) Shelley ; Hatfield Forest and Childer- ditch Common. (B.T.W.) Sympetrum scoticum (Leach). Found in some numbers at one pond in Epping Forest. (E.E.S.) Found at one pond in Epping Forest on the fourth visit to the site hunting for this insect. (B.T.W.) REFERENCES : 1. Pinniger, E. B., f.r.e.s. : Coenagrion scitulum Ramb. a Dragonfly new to Britain ; London Naturalist, 26, 80. 2. Syms, E. E., f.r.e.s. : Some Biological Notes on Dragonflies ; Essex Naturalist, 22, 292. 3. Pinniger, E. B., f.r.e.s. : Notes on Epping Forest Dragonflies ; London Naturalist, 12. 4. Pinniger, E. B., f.r.e.s. : Various titles ; London Naturalist, 13-18 in- clusive. 5. Longfield, Cynthia, f.r.e.s. : The Dragonflies of the London Area ; London Naturalist, 28. E. B. Pinniger. E. E. Syms. B. T. Ward. Grayling, Speckled Wood and Silver-studded Blue butterflies.—It may be of interest to put on record that these three species were taken in the neighbourhood of Kelvedon, near Brentwood around the beginning of this century. I have personally seen the specimens and the owner vouches for the exact localities. None of these species has been seen there of recent years but I took a single specimen of the Silver-studded Blue (Plebejus argus L.) near Fryerning two years ago and a friend took and released a Grayling (Eumensis semele L.) in the same area last August. It would seem that there are still some isolated and restricted localities for these two species in the High Woods area, but I know of no recent record for the Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria L.) E. F. Williams.