INSECTS 213 with regard to the agreement with the other swarms as to date, situation and circumstance of the swarm. It would be of great value to have full details and specimens of flies from similar swarms in Essex for identification purposes and any information which may throw some light on the cause and reason for these swarms. REFERENCES : 1. Thorpe, Dr. W. H. Proc. Roy. Ent. Soc. 12 : 37/38. 2. Graham, Rev. M. W. R. DeV. Ent. mon. Mag. 85 : 127/128. 3. Coe, R. L. Ent. mon. Mag. 79 : 251. 4. Donisthorpe, H. Ent. mon. Mag. 79 : 184. Bernard T. Ward. Question.—Can anyone tell me why there are no frogs in Fambridge, or anywhere on the River Crouch as far as I know? They breed in Heybridge Basin, and in the Chelmer Canal, at the head of the Blackwater River. I saw one just above the saltings in grass on the Suffolk bank of the River Stour during the war, so it cannot be anything to do with salinity of the soil. I also found spawn at Dovercourt (Harwich), quite close to the sea. Grass- snakes, lizards and newts are quite common here. I. Rainier.