REPORT OF COUNCIL 217 ESSEX FIELD CLUB REPORT OF COUNCIL FOR 1948-9 In March 1948, we received intimation that the West Ham Corporation proposed to close the Essex Museum and its library forthwith and desired that the collections and books should be distributed to the libraries and schools in the Borough. Protracted negotiations between an emergency sub-committee of this Council and representatives and officials of the West Ham Corporation eventually resulted in a less drastic temporary arrangement by which the Museum and Library will remain as an entity in its present situation and will be available to members of the Club, subject to certain restrictions imposed by the economy measures which the West Ham Corporation find it necessary to make. To offset these restrictions the Corporation has agreed that the facilities of its Public Libraries shall be available to members of the Club on the same basis as to residents of West Ham. During this interim period the Corporation will not make its contribution of £100 per annum to the Museum Maintenance Fund ; the curating must therefore be carried out on an honorary basis. We have been happy to recognise Mr. Thompson's forty years of devoted service to the Club by arranging for the provision of a small pension on his retirement in June 1948. Certain provision has also been made for Miss Greaves who has consented to act as assistant to the Hon. Secretaries and Librarian. The terms of the temporary agreement between the Club and the Cor- poration of West Ham are appended to this report. A legacy of £100 from the estate of the late Mr. Hugh Main is gratefully acknowledged. The Club was invited to appoint a representative to co-operate with a local committee in the management of Blake's Wood, Little Baddow, which it is proposed to give to the National Trust. Mr. L. S. Harley has con- sented to act in this capacity. An appeal from local naturalists against a proposal to extend sand and gravel digging at Ray Creek, St. Osyth, was supported by the Club and resulted in a modification of the original scheme. The scientific work of the Club has continued in spite of some disturbance resulting from the negotiations with the West Ham Corporation and the record of the members' work in the Essex Naturalist is happily not appre- ciably curtailed. MEMORANDUM 1. A friendly and informal understanding is hereby recorded between the West Ham Corporation and the Essex Field Club of trial arrangements to permit the Corporation to effect appreciable economies in their annual expenditure on the Passmore Edwards Museum, Romford Road, West Ham, during the present difficult financial period. 2. The formal legal agreements between the Essex Field Club and the Corporation of July 25th, 1898, and February 19th, 1913, are not affected hereby, except as temporarily amended by Clause 3 following. 3. The annual payment by the Corporation to the Essex Field Club of £100 by half-yearly instalments is suspended during the trial period mentioned in Clause 4 and any extension thereof. 4. The first trial period of this arrangement is to March 31st, 1950, the matter to be reviewed, if either party so requests, about the end of 1949. 5. The Corporation, acting through the Further Education Sub-Committee of its Education Committee shall, for the discharge of its responsibilities in respect of the maintenance of the Museum and Library, arrange for supervision to be provided :