218 THE ESSEX NATURALIST As regards the Museum—by the Municipal College Principal (and staff) collaborating with a curator (if any) appointed by the Essex Field Club. As regards the Museum Library—by the Borough Librarian (and staff) collaborating with a librarian (if any) appointed by the Essex Field Club. Should any difference arise which cannot be resolved during these collaborations, a small sub-committee of two or three representatives on each side shall be appointed at the request of either party to deal with such outstanding differences, or otherwise to interpret this agreed memorandum. 6. The Corporation is not to be required to make any new provision of furniture or exhibits during the period. 7. The Corporation is to provide for the continuance of the periodicals and publications at present maintained in sets, and provided that the annual expenditure thereon by the Corporation does not exceed £30, except for those which the Club obtains in exchange for its own publica- tions, and to reimburse the Club for expenditure on purchases in this respect made between June 1948, and the date of this Memorandum. 8. The Corporation is to undertake and provide the necessary minimum heating, lighting, cleaning and building maintenance services required to prevent damage to the Museum or its contents ; the Corporation is to give prompt attention to any representations from the Essex Field Club that any of the services are being provided on an inadequate basis for securing this objective. 9. If the Museum is for the time being not re-opened to the general public, the Corporation is to be entirely responsible for this. 10. Subject to any small inconveniences or limitations which the heating, lighting, cleaning and building maintenance services impose, the Essex Field Club is to continue to have the full use of and access to the Museum as heretofore, obtaining access through the Municipal College but only during the period when the Municipal College Staff are on duty and so as not to call for any staff to be specially kept on duty for this purpose. 11. In addition to the Essex Field Club Members, the Museum is to be available for visitation by : (a) Organised school parties, entering via the Municipal College, only under the effective charge of a competent person to be made responsible for preventing any damage to the contents of the Museum. (b) Parties of students, entering via the Municipal College, only under the effective charge of a competent person to be made responsible for preventing any damage to the contents of the - Museum. 12. The Borough Public Libraries Committee is to give members of the Essex Field Club (list to be supplied to the Borough Librarian) the same facilities for using the services of the West Ham Municipal Libraries as are enjoyed by residents in the Borough. REPORT OF COUNCIL FOR 1949-50 In presenting this report it is first our sad duty to refer to the loss which the Club has sustained during the past year by the death of several of its most valued members. These friends who have passed from among us include Miss G. Lister, Miss E. Lister, Mr. D. J. Scourfield, Mr. C. Gourley, Mr. J. Keeves, Mr. L. Price and Mr. C. R. G. Turk. Their absence will be felt by us all and the prestige of the Club lessened by the removal of their names