REPORTS OF MEETINGS 223 Mr. E. B. Cook, a Verderer of Epping Forest, of 45, Mornington Road, Woodford Green. Mr. B. J. Oliver, of 24, Devonport Gardens, Ilford. and one further nomination was read for the first time. Mr. Thompson exhibited a series of prints from the Pictorial Survey Collection showing various places of interest which would be visited by the Club during the forthcoming season. Mr. Richard Ward exhibited graphs showing the average daily tempera- ture recorded at Beckton for the past forty years together with the records for this year and last year to demonstrate the divergence from the average during the months of February and March. The business of the Annual General Meeting then proceeded. The Hon. Treasurer gave a summary of the accounts for the past year showing that, because of conditions brought about by the negotiations over the future of the Museum, the figures showed a deficit of £231. As the audit of the accounts had not been completed he moved that they be adopted subject to audit. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ross and carried nem con. Election of Officers and Council. The President announced the resignation of Mr. Percy Thompson from the post of Honorary Secretary and paid tribute to the valuable work he had done during a term of office lasting nearly forty years. Mr. Thompson replied stressing his continued interest in the Club and its work. The President then read the following list of nominations: President : Mr. Laurence S. Harley, B.Sc, M.I.E.E. Hon. Treasurer : Mr. F. C. Wickson. Joint Hon. Secretaries : Mr. Wilfred J. Foster, Ll.B. Mr. Bernard T. Ward. Hon Curator (West Ham Museum) : Mr. E. E. Syms, F.R.E.S., F.Z.S. Hon. Curator (Epping Forest Museum) : Mr. Bernard T. Ward. Joint Hon. Excursions Secretaries : Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ward. Hon. Editor : Mr. C. Bignell Pratt. Members of Council : Miss A. M. Dofort, Miss E. M. Jones, Dr. R. Coles, Dr. R. Curnock, Mr. E. Hensler, Mr. W. Howard, Mr. J. Ross, Mr. S. Waller, Mr. P. Thompson. In the absence of any further nominations all the above were declared duly elected. The President then invited Mr. L. S. Harley to assume the chair, this he accordingly did amidst acclamation. The retiring President then delivered his address on local Field Clubs in general and the Essex Field Club in particular with suggestions for its future conduct. (See p. 161). The President asked that Dr. Jane should allow his address to be printed in the Club's journal. The meeting was declared closed at 4.30 p.m. Visit to Colchester and Mersea Island (901st Meeting SATURDAY, APRIL 2ND, 1949 Bright spring sunshine was a good omen when thirty-three members left Ilford by train for Colchester, On arrival at the ancient city the party was welcomed by the President, Mr. L. S. Harley and Mrs. Long, of the N.E. Essex Educational Fellowship (Natural History Group). While Mr. Harley took a small party to the Castle to meet Mr. M. R. Hull, the Curator, the remaining members accompanied Mrs. Long to a coach waiting in readiness with other members of the N.E. Essex Group. The coach party proceeded by Abberton reservoir, where a Cormorant