DR. JOHN RAMSBOTTOM 271 The remainder just dry off or shrivel up so that the panicles present an irregular ragged appearance—in addition they are sometimes flushed with red. I have collected or seen specimens of the following hybrids from Essex: 1. R. conglomeratus Murr. x R. maritimus L. 18: Wennington, 1938, Lousley (R.B.E. 171). 2. R. crispus L. x R. cristatus DC. 18: Hadleigh Marsh, 1949, Lousley (4906305) and Jermyn. 3. R. crispus L. x R. obtusifolius L. ssp. agrestis (Fries) Danser. 18: Fairway, Eastwood, Southend, 1948, Lousley. This is likely to prove common in both vice-counties and for the most part it is the M. pratensis M. and K. of Gibson's Flora. 4. R. crispus L. x R. Patientia L. ssp. orientalis (Bernh.) Danser. 18: Grays, 1938 teste Rechinger, Lousley (R.B.E. 28). 5. R. crispus L. x R. sanguineus L. var. viridis Sibth. 18: Fair- way, Eastwood, Southend, 1948, Lousley. 19: Between Nazeing and Nazeingbury, 1913, C. E. Britton (1064) (Hb. Essex F.C.). 6. R. Hydrolapathum L. x R. obtusifolius L. ssp. agrestis (Fries) Danser. 19: Riverside, Braxted, 1877, E. G. Varenne (Hb. Boswell-Syme). In compiling this account of the Docks and Sorrels of Essex I have made no attempt to include all the available records or to cite all material in the larger herbaria. All I have done is to select from my notes on the Rumices of the British Isles the entries which refer to the county. If my paper is overburdened with references and detail it is because I am anxious to provide the compilers of the new Flora with material they can follow up in preparing their fuller account. It may have surprised you that as many as fifteen species are already known with certainty. Of these, ten are native (or usually accepted as such), and at least two aliens are thoroughly estab- lished. No doubt other species and many hybrids await discovery and if I can help with the identification of doubtful material I shall be pleased to do so. ["R.B.E." in the citation of specimens refers to the series Rumices Britannicae Exsiccatae distributed by the writer under the reference numbers stated.] DR. JOHN RAMSBOTTOM, o.b.e., m.a., dr.sc, f.l.s., v.m.h The award by the Royal Horticultural Society of its highest honour, the Victoria Medal of Honour, to Dr. Ramsbottom gives great pleasure to his many friends.