272 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Man - members will remember his term of office as President of this Club from 1936 to 1939 and only recently his advice as a member of our Council during the Museum negotiations has been invaluable. The present occasion affords an opportunity to recall some of his services to the science of botany and, in particular, to that of the fungi in the taxonomy of which group he is a leading authority. Dr. Ramsbottom has held the post of Keeper of Botany in the British Museum for the last twenty years and during this time he has done much to popularise the study of fungi by his lectures and writings. During the first world war he served with the Army in Greece and for his services was awarded the O.B.E. in 1919. From 1923 to 1935 he was Botanical Secretary of the Linnean Society and was President from 1938 to 1941. His services have been recognised by election as an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Horticultural Society and as an Honorary Member of many societies including the British Mycological Society, the Quekett Microscopical Club, the Edinburgh Botanical Society, and our own Club. Dr. Ramsbottom has written a popular book on the rose and his work on the fungus enemies of this plant is well known. He collaborated in important work on the raising of orchids from seed. His reputation overseas is indicated by an imposing list of honours, including the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science of Coimbra University, and the Honorary Membership of the Suisse Academie des Sciences and of the Societe Mycologique de France.