BIRD NOTES FROM THE ESSEX COAST 285 An alien clover found at Hockley is Trifolium elegans Savi. Similar to Trifolium hybridum L. with reddish purple flowers, it is rather striking in appearance as the name implies. Melilotus indica All. is found at Pitsea and Eastwood. This plant is a naturalised alien ; it can be identified by its small yellow flowers and the pods which are mucronate and netted. When dried, like all the melilots, it gives off a delightful perfume similar to new-mown hay. Vicia gracilis Lois., a rather rare plant observed by Gibson in 1860, is still in the area, although confined to one particular spot. It may be that it is passed over for the more common V. tetrasperma Moench., from which it differs in its more robust habit, larger flowers and 5-8-seeded pods (V. tetra- sperma is only 4-seeded). I should be glad to hear from any Essex reader about leguminous plants in the county. The Deptford Pink in Essex.—For three years in succession two reliable observers have found the Deptford Pink Dianthus Armeria L. growing on a piece of common-like ground in the Laindon area. At first there was one plant, now there are two or three. Miss Johnson and I have seen blooms from these plants but unfortunately we have not yet been able to see them growing. Ethel M. Male. Plants in the Grays area.—In an account of a visit of members of the London Natural History Society to the Grays area on 9 September 1949, Mr. J. E. Lousley (London Naturalist, No. 29, p. 11) lists the following plants observed. In a chalk pit: Pyrola rotundifolia L., Ophioglossum vulgatum L., Pyracantha coccinea Roemer, Blackstonia perfoliata (L.) Huds., Gentiana axillaris (Schmidt) Rchb., Bunias orientalis L., Lotus tenuis Willd. (a form with deep red flowers as well as plants with the normal yellow flowers), Poa compressa L. In a sandy field near by : Medicago varia Martyn. Near the river : Vitis vinifera L., Euphorbia virgata Waldst and Kit., Bupleurum tenuissimum L., Calamintha nepeta (L.) Savi. In a "most excellent salt marsh" near Stone Ness : Apium graveolens L., Aster Tripolium L. (both rayed and var. discoideus Rchb.), Plantago maritima L., Atriplex littoralis L., Juncus Gerardi Lois., J. maritimus Lam., Triglochin maritima L., Spartina Townsendii H. and J. Groves. BIRD NOTES FROM THE ESSEX COAST BY M. J. ARDLEY snow-bunting (Montifringilla nivalis) Three females at Tollesbury, 28 January 1950 dark-breasted brent goose (Branta bernicla bernicla) Fifty at Tollesbury mudflats, 28 January 1950; 600 at Tillingham mud- flats, 25 March 1950. pale-breasted brent goose (Branta bernicla hrota) Six at Tillingham mudflats, 25 March 1950. Sheld-duck (Tadorna tadorna) Three-hundred at Tillingham mudflats, 25 March 1950. As in other parts of the English coast, all Essex Sheld-duck leave the mudflats and saltings in August, when they moult. It is not known where