BIRDS 289 reel in action, is not hard to identify. The osier bed was the bank of a channel and the bird flew up and returned to the reeds continually, and its song continued for some time. F. Wickson. The Little Ringed Plover.—In British Birds for January 1950 Mr. R. V. A. Marshall gives an account of a Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius) at Abberton Reservoir on 20 April 1949. The species had not previously recorded at Abberton. An account of the Little Ringed Plover in Britain in 1949 is given by Mr. E. R. Parrinder in British Birds for September 1950. Several breeding records for Essex are included. A breeding colony of the Black-headed Gull.—On Sunday 25 June 1950, while in the Althorne-Fambridge area I was threatened by some Black- headed Gulls. From the demeanour of the birds and the clamorous din arising from Bridgemarsh Island I believe that there is probably a breeding colony of these birds on the Island. The state of the tide prevented closer investigation but large numbers of birds were seen. The breeding colony on the nearby site of Hydemarsh has vanished and may possibly have adopted Bridgemarsh Island instead. I propose to make further investigation. Richard Ward. Gadwall at Wanstead.—On 19 November 1950, three Gadwall (Anas strepera) were on the Ornamental Water in company with Mallard and one Coot. All three Gadwell appeared to be males. Under tail coverts black, this patch incomplete in two of the birds. The white wing bar was well seen in one bird. With Mr. and Mrs. R. Ward I watched these birds again later in the day but on the 23rd they were not to be seen. C. B. Pratt. A late Willow-Warbler.—On 19 November 1950, at Wanstead Sewage Works, I watched a Willow-Warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus) at close quarters for several minutes in a good light. The bird was preening itself and appeared to be in perfect condition. The legs were seen and their colour together with the yellowness of the plumage convinced me that the bird was of this species and not a Chiffchaff. No note was heard. C. B. Pratt. Birds at North Fambridge in 1950. Notes from my diary.—9 April : Six Willow-Warblers in the garden. 10th : First Swallow. 23rd : First House-Martin. 29th : First Turtle Dove. 1 May : Five Yellow Wagtails. 6th: Swifts arrived. 29th: Three nests of Tree-Creeper in half mile. 11 June : Two nests of Greater Spotted Woodpecker in the parish. 14th : About 300 Swifts circling the farm at 7.30 p.m. 12 September : Willow-Warbler seen and heard. 13th : Chiffchaff seen and heard. 14th : Swallows leaving. 15th : Kingfisher seen. 16th : Chiffchaff seen and heard. 17th : Turtle Dove seen. 18th : A nest of young Linnets took to the wing. 24th : Two Kingfishers and several Willow-Warblers seen. October 1 : One Willow- Warbler seen. 2nd : Swallows nearly all gone. 4th : Swallows passing south all day. 9th : Fifty Swallows on wires in early morning. 19th : Two flights of Widgeon passed at night into the marsh. 22nd : All Swallows gone. 24th : At least four Goldcrests in hedgerow. 29th : Two Goldcrests in garden. Jack T. Friedlein.