Butterflies observed within a seven-mile radius of Felsted School, plus
Hatfield Forest, 1947-50.
wall (Pararge megera (L.))
May-early June and early September. Abundant.
meadow brown (Maniola jurtina (L.))
Mid-June-August. Abundant.
hedge brown (Maniola tithonus (L.))
Mid-July-September. Abundant.
ringlet (Aphantopus hyperantus (L.))
End of June-July. Locally abundant.
small heath (Coenonympha pamphilus (L.))
All summer. Common in rough pastures.
marbled white (Agapetes galathea (L.))
17 July 1949. Doubtful occurrence in village.
silver-washed Fritillary (Argynnis paphia (L.))
Mid-July-August. Locally fairly common.
high brown Fritillary (Argynnis Cydippe (L.))
Mid-June-July. Local.
Dark green Fritillary (Argynnis aglaia (L.))
Early July-August. Local, scarce.
pearl-bordered Fritillary (Argynnis euphrosyne (L.))
Mid-May-early June (1948 only). Local.
peacock (Nymphalis io (L.))
All summer except early June to mid-July. Common.
large tortoiseshell (Nymphalis polychloros (L.))
Early May 1948, 1949. Local, scarce.
small tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae (L.))
Not second week in July. Abundant.
red admiral (Vanessa atalanta (L.))
All summer. Variable until mid-July, then common.
painted lady (Vanessa cardui (L.))
End of May onwards. Variable until end of July, then fairly common.
comma (Polygonia c-album (L.))
Not late May-late June. Hibernated ones local in woods, later common.
white admiral (Limenitis camilla (L.))
End of June-July. Locally common.
purple Hairstreak (Thecla quercus (L.))
Mid-July. Local.
white-letter Hairstreak (Strymon w-album (Knoch))
End of June. Locally abundant.
green Hairstreak (Callophrys rubi (L.))
Mid-June-July. Locally common.
small copper (Lycaena phlaeas (L.))
All summer. Uncommon.
common blue (Polyommatus icarus (Rott.))
Early May-mid-July and August-September. Locally abundant.