302 THE ESSEX NATURALIST The President then described a valuable addition to the Museum in the form of a number of cases of birds bequeathed by Miss G. Lister. These were on view in the Museum today, and it would be seen that the birds were beautifully mounted and in perfect condition. The cases needed a little attention, and this work was being undertaken by Mr. Syms, with the help of volunteers amongst the members. The following were elected to membership : Mrs. Stuart Boardman, of 109, Monkhams Avenue, Woodford Green. Mr. R. H. S. Fox, of 44, Monkhams Avenue, Woodford Green. Miss Sylvia Canetti (junior member), of 66, Dalkeith Road, Ilford. Mr. Ross reported on the Mycetozoa for 1949-50. The abnormal rainfall of October had to wipe out the effects of summer drought in order to restore conditions favourable to the growth of these organisms. Up to the present time, forty-nine species had been recorded, the shortage being mainly of summer species. He showed and described specimens of nineteen species. Mrs. R. Ward said that Miss Grace Hilbert had sent sprays of Petasites fragrans from Norfolk. They had been placed in the vases on the refectory tables where members would be able to enjoy these much appreciated winter flowers. Miss Greaves showed, from the Pictorial Survey, a selection of pictures showing some Essex waterways. Mr. Waller showed photographs from the Rothamsted Experimental Station of spores of the new fungus on Sycamore. They were an example of the tremedous magnification achieved by the electron microscope. He stated that a research worker had been appointed by the Forestry Com- mission to carry on the investigation of this fungus. Mr. Henry B. Rowntree, B.Sc, A.M.I.C.E., then read his paper on "The Control of Rivers" (see p. 255). He described some of the many difficulties which are met with in the work, and the methods adopted to carry it out to the best advantage of the com- munity. The lecture was illustrated by photographs from various books which were shown by the episcope. On the conclusion of the paper, the lecturer was accorded a hearty vote of thanks on the motion of the President. Ordinary Meeting (917th Meeting SATURDAY, 25 FEBRUARY 1950 This meeting was held at the West Ham Municipal College, with the Presi- dent, Mr. Laurence S. Harley, in the chair. Forty members and friends attended. The following were elected to membership : Mr. R. McIver Paton, of 63, Second Avenue, Chelmsford. Mr. Clare Dudley Putnam, (junior member), of Davenants, Sible Heding- ham. Mr. Fred J. Speakman, of 22, Fernhill Court, Hempstead Road, Wal- thamstow, E.17. Miss Constance Hornby, and Miss Ursula Hornby, of 53, Langley Drive, Wanstead, E.11. The President then announced that nominations were due at this meeting for officers for the year commencing March 1950, and for three vacancies on the Council. The Council's nominations were as follows, and it was open to any member io nominate any other member for any of the offices or vacancies. As members of Council: Miss Elsa Hilbert, Mr. W. B. Broughton, B.Sc, and Mr. E. F. Williams, F.R.E.S., F.Z.S.